Truth and trust (1)

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"Darling?! Is that you?!" Morgan's voice fought through the wind as Darling continued her hour and a half long walk home in her New Years eve 20's dress with her arms wrapped around herself to cling onto some kind of warmth other than the residue alcohol swimming through her system and hot tears on her face after getting lost twice on the way back already.


Darling tried to quickly wipe away her tears before she turned around with a panic in her chest.

He was going to be so angry with her, he was going to be disappointed she got drunk, furious that she left without telling him, annoyed that she got herself into that situation on the dance floor- but when she got the courage to turn to face him he seemed the opposite of what she expected as he embraced her in an urgent hug that swept her up with anything but those thoughts.

"Thank god I found you, I've been looking for you all night- I was so worried that something had happened" he held her closely to him before looking down at her with concern and the building furious urge to start charging off back to the party as he spotted her tears, "why are you crying? Did someone hurt you? I swear to god I will-"

"P-please be quiet" she hushed him, pulling him back into the hug with urgency and feeling the safest she had felt the whole night, the opposite feeling she felt with so many bodies pressed against her on that dance floor.

He paused for a moment before holding her closer, feeling her clutching onto the back of his jacket to hold keep him there, stroking the back of her head that pressed into his chest with tears rolling down her face, feeling her body shivering against him from the winds hitting them.

"Here-" He stepped back slightly, taking off his velvet suit jacket and wrapping it over her shoulders quickly, "you'll catch a cold out here."

"You sound like my grandma" she chuckled as she wiped her tears off her face, Morgan's sympathetic smile gazing down at her as she wiggled her arms into the oversized jacket.

"Your grandma was always a wise lady" he pulled a tissue out of his pocket for her.

"She loved you" Darling chuckled through a sniffle.

"She loved that I brought her flowers and she could flirt with me without getting in trouble" he laughed.

"Shelly always did love a younger man" she joked before sighing up at him, "you're going to ask me what happened, aren't you?"

"Not if you don't want me to" he shook his head softly, words meaning much more to her than he knew as he held out his hand, "but I will hold your hand and tell you it's going to be okay even if you don't ask me to- sorry that comes with the friendship package deal, non-negotiable."

Darling couldn't help it now, she burst into tears once again, head dropping into her hands but not before Morgan quickly wrapped his arms around her again.

They stayed like that for a while, Darling sobbing as he held her up and whispered that it was going to be okay and that he was there, that he wouldn't leave her which stung more when she thought about the fact he would actually be leaving her in a matter of hours.

"I... I should head home before my dad wakes up" Darling wiped her eyes and stepped back from Morgan with an awkward chuckle, "sorry for crying on your shirt."

"I think it adds a nice pattern to it" he joked, smiling down at her and holding out his hand again, "I'll walk you home."

"You don't have to do that, you're probably freezing anyhow- not to mention a certain long legged date is probably waiting for you to finish off your presumably cringey rom-com worthy New Years eve kiss" she nudged his arm with a teasing smile before he rolled his eyes with a laugh, taking her hand again and starting walking down the street with her.

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