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Morgan was the first of the two to wake up in the church confessional booth, tied to the seat and unable to move in the cramped closeted space.

His bullet graze stung like hell, his head throbbed from the scuffle outside of the church that ended in him throwing hands with all three of the male family members as they tried to drag Darling away- who of which was putting up a hell of a fight in her defence until she was knocked out after the wedding bells chimed and then Betty knocked Morgan over the head too, sending him to the ground next to Darling.

He paused in that thought of what happened.

"Darling?!" He called out, trying to see through the closed door.


He heard a thump next to him as someone's head hit the wall of the divider in the confessional booth.

"Fucking fuckidy fuck that hurt" Darling's voice whispered after being startled to wake and smacking her head.

"Darling!" Morgan exclaimed with relief, looking over and seeing half of her face dimly lit in the glow of the candles in the church through the holed confessional divider between them, unable to stop himself almost gasping from how beautifully the glow of the candle light danced with her features but forcing himself to shake that thought out of his head.

"Derek? Where are you?" Darling tried to look around, spotting him and sighing, "are we being held captive in a confessional booth right now?"

"It would seem that way" Morgan nodded before his concern took over, "are you okay?"

"I've been better" she chuckled, feeling the blood dripping down her head that Morgan could just about spot.

He was about to ask her how her head injury was when he heard her suddenly burst out laughing.

"You're laughing?" He tilted his head with confusion, but unable to help his slight amusement, "we're being held captive in a church, you got smashed over the head with a rock, I got shot- and you're laughing?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry it's so not funny" she continued laughing, "but it's just a little ironic that we're in a confessional booth after our conversation earlier."

Morgan paused as he realised the irony of being locked in a place where you had to tell the whole truth after their argument- unable to help his chuckling too before he looked over at her, leaning closer to the gaps as he spoke.

"Hey, about that earlier... I'm sorry."

"Just forget about it, I shouldn't have snapped at you" Darling tried to brush it off with a sigh.

"No, you had every right to snap at me- you were right, you don't have to tell me anything you don't want to ever and I shouldn't expect that of you. You're always so open and honest with me, it's not fair of me to say that you're not."

Darling paused for a moment, not expecting that at all but returning his gaze through the small cross shaped gaps in the divider before looking down at her hands as she spoke quietly.

"My dad made me go to church."


"When I was a kid, my dad made me go to church... that was the reason I lied to you about me going, that's why I'd make some kind of joke when you'd ask where I was every Sunday or brush it off, because I didn't want you to know everything about him at that point."


"I know I shouldn't have lied and I don't know why I kept up that lie even after you knew about him. I know that. It's just..." she felt the tears building but kept looking down at her hands playing with the hem of her jacket despite knowing Morgan could see her tears, "you were the only person in my life who hadn't looked at me like I was some sort of scum Derek. My dad told me I was the whore of Babylon and made me go to church, my brothers thought I was some kind of freak and 'prayed' for me when I went to highschool, everyone at school made rumours about me and every guy I had even a conversation with and I was just... But... but not with you, I never felt like that with you."

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