Watered down conversations

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"They've been down there for hours, what do you think they're talking about?" Reid asked as the team sat in the living room waiting for Graham and Darling to come back out of the basement where they had been from the moment Darling and Morgan got back, Graham immediately engulfing her into a less than comforting looking hug and whispering something to her that seemed not of a message from a loving husband based on her reaction of an eyeroll before nodding and following him down the stairs.

"I don't think they're doing much talking if you know what I mean" Emily shrugged, not noticing Morgan tensing up as he shook his head, walking back into the room and being immediately met with laughter.

"So you spend 4 hours pretending you're fine sitting in sopping wet clothes and then when you finally let Graham give you some of his clothes to wear you choose that?" Rossi couldn't contain his laughter at Morgan's light wash jean shorts with a yellow and baby blue flannel shirt he was buttoning up over a white vest top.

"Laugh it up, I didn't pick it- the guy had it laid out on the bed for me and that stupid goofy smile when he showed me it" Morgan rolled his eyes, "I look like the god damn easter bunny brought a farm."

"Very hot" Emily teased, "I'm sure Darling's pants will drop the minute she sees you."

"Her name is Anne" Morgan corrected with a sigh, sitting down on the sofa and trying not to think about how similar the fabric felt to her old couch, "and there will be no pants dropping."

"Isn't that why you've been a dick to Graham the last few days? Because you're trying to win her back."

"I've not been a dick to him" Morgan rolled his eyes again, "and no, if she's happy here with him then that's all that matters-"

"Bullshit-" Emily laughed as she worked on the profile with Rossi- Reid, Ashley and Hotch having gone to the medic station to work out this new compound and how it might have gotten to Addie as soon as Darling and Morgan got back.

"It's okay chocolate thunder, you'll get over her eventually" Garcia tried to be supportive down the phone before having to hang up and get on a call with Hotch and Erin Strauss.

"It's not bullshit and I'm not trying to get over her" he shook his head, walking over and drinking his luke-warm coffee, "if she's happy then I'll be fine, even if it's not with me."

"Derek-" Rossi sighed, "-it's okay if this is hard for you, especially given the fact she's clearly pregnant with your-"

"She's not pregnant" Morgan responded, walking back over to the map and trying to work.

"What? But we saw the-"

"It's a fake bump" he pinned up the photo of Addie to the 'infected' side of the board where it was only just her and hopefully staying that way, "but no one say anything about it, and you guys need to stop making her uncomfortable- especially you Rossi."

"What? What have I done?"

"'And when was the last time you slept with Derek, 5 months ago I assume'" Morgan made a mocking voice of Rossi's, "that wasn't fair of you."

"What's not fair is her leaving without a goodbye" Rossi folded his arms, "and in my defence I thought she was pregnant with your kid when she said that."

"That's still no excuse to talk to her like that."

"Derek-" Emily placed a hand on his shoulder, "you don't have to pretend it doesn't hurt."

"I do" he brushed it off.


"Because if I'm not okay then she won't want to come back" he blurted out before he could stop himself, the two staring at him with sympathy.

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