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"-Not a stripper, a dancer at a high-end strip club" Hotch corrected Darling as she paced back and forth in the police station where the team were setting up for the case- of which was recently revealed to be more of an emergency than Hotch was letting on to the team with another body turning up.

"Oh yeah because that's so much better" Darling grumbled sarcastically to herself before turning to him, "why can't Emily or Ashley do it?"

"Emily is running the operation from the outside since I'll be in there undercover too" Hotch explained.

"What? Why you? You never go undercover Hotch" Reid quizzed.

"He wants to keep an eye on me in case I act 'inappropriate'" Darling mumbled under her breath with the anger from the morning briefing still in her chest, "and that doesn't answer my question, what about Ashley?"

"I can go in" Ashley nodded at Hotch.


"It would actually be better to have two women in there Hotch, in case-" Rossi tried to suggest.

"I said no" Hotch half snapped at him, "Ashley isn't experienced enough in undercover work, it could ruin the whole case."

"Darling doesn't have FBI undercover work training like Ashley though-"

"I said no" Hotch shut down the conversation.

Darling watched Ashley for a moment, recognising the same expression she had herself earlier when she looked at Hotch, a look she assumed Ashley had in the academy when Hotch spoke down to her- pure hatred spiced with a need to prove him wrong.

"Hey-" Darling nudged Ashley's arm with a sympathetic smile, "at least you don't have to be a fancy stripper, that's a plus right?"

"Sounds more fun than whatever mundane useless task they'll have me do out here."

"It's just because you're young, Hotch doesn't want you to get hurt-"

"You're young-ish too" Ashley turned to her, "why does he put you up for these tasks?"

"Charming- and it's because he wants me to get hurt" Darling joked, "plus, I've had a little more experience with these things, and I am a few years older than you still."

"You were stripper?" Ashley joked, Darling chuckled before shrugging and turning to go meet up with the team, talking to herself under her breath but not realising Morgan was nearby and heard with a confused expression at her.

"In a sense, yes."

"Hey kiddo, how are you- woah-" Rossi paused his sentence when he walked into the office where Darling was finishing her hair after pulling on her thigh high white go-go boots for the cover outfit- of which didn't cover much.

The tight white waist coat with a very uncomfortable matching white lace pushup bra sat on top of a short silk white mini wrap skirt with matching lace underwear that could be seen peaking out of the bottom of the skirt if Darling even thought about bending over slightly.

"How in god's holy hell is this meant to be a 'sexy astronaut?' This is not NASA approved" Darling shook her head at the costume that was given to her for her by a stern yet apologetic looking Hotch.

"I don't think strippers usually care if their costumes are NASA approved" Rossi chuckled, patting the seat next to him for her to sit and talk to him.

"One sec, I have to figure out how to put this thigh harness thing on- although I'm not sure if it was built for someone with any sort of thighs larger that a pencil at this point" Darling tried to un-web the latex harness.

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