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(Above is Darling's outfit visual described in this chapter- lemme know if you like the photo visuals too :))

The alarm going off in the background wasn't enough to wake Darling up as she slept and snuggled close to Morgan, a low chuckle coming from him as he softly brushed her back with his thumb like he had been the last 15 minutes.

He knew he should wake her up, even if they got up right now they would be late for work- but he couldn't bring himself to do it.

She looked so peaceful with her head resting on his chest, her hair tussled over her face as the sun mixed with the cold air in her room- Darling having left the window open the night before and Morgan not wanting to wake her up by moving to shut it, instead bringing her closer to him to keep her warm.

His hand continued to stroke up and down her back as she mumbled softly in her sleep, Morgan unable to hide his amusement at how even when she was sleeping she was still talking.

"-anddd I said no King Kong-" Darling slept talked quietly, "-I dooon't have a phone you can call your grandmother on, I'm liiitreally the  president."

"Very interesting" Morgan chuckled, kissing the top of her head.

She mumbled a smile into his chest and fell further into her slumber, Morgan also starting to close his eyes again- telling himself they would get up at the next alarm.

That was before the bedroom door burst open and Addie stormed in.

"Okay I can't handle it anymore with you giving me space; I need to apologise which is super embarrassing but I don't like thinking of you being upset especially after almost dying in a cave and then being uncharacteristically cool with me being mean to you and letting me stay at my friends last night but I had to come back and apologise. I'm sorry for everything I said, it was totally badass of you to stand up to Mr Greggory and your boss and you're not a-" Addie paused in her pacing when she looked over and realised that it wasn't Darling who sat up quickly in her bed.

"Uh hi there Ads" Morgan said awkwardly, trying to nudge a sleeping Darling awake.

Addie's confusion turned to a wide-eyed realisation as she looked back and forth from Darling and Morgan.

"Wait- no, what? No, no, no- oh my god! Ew!"

"Darling, now would be a great time to wake up-" Morgan nudged her more, wiggling her shoulder.

"Lemme sleep, I'll make it up to you later- oh my god Addie!" She exclaimed when she opened her eyes and saw her niece stood staring at her with outrage before quickly covering her eyes and running out of the room.

"Oh my god!"

"Ads!" Darling jumped out of bed, running after her and stumbling over thrown around clothes in her room before Morgan could remind her she was just in her underwear and an oversized t-shirt.

"Ew! Ew! Ew!" Addie squealed, pacing back and forth in the longue, "I'm going to burn my eyes off!"

"Addie please- it's not what it looks like" Darling ran in after her, Morgan pulling on his trousers and also following them into the living room.

"You're sleeping with Derek?!" Addie exclaimed, "that's disgusting!"

"Ouch" Morgan chuckled.

"I- uh-" Darling didn't know what to say, she didn't want to lie, she didn't want to pretend that her and Morgan weren't a thing anymore- but Addie was her world, her family, her only family now, and to see that look in her eyes of pure judgement shook her to her core.

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