Chapter 18

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Tarun's POV

"Make sure you wrap up your work by 4 PM tomorrow and head straight to the place I've texted you, okay?" My mom pressed, having been nagging me about what to do and how to behave for the past two days.


"MOM! For heaven's sake, I'm not five, heading off to school for the first time." I snapped, feeling a bit annoyed. "I don't need a step-by-step guide."

"Listen, this is what I'm trying to tell you to control - your anger. That's why I'm worried, Tannu." She countered, her voice full of concern.

It's not like I'm planning on blowing at her-how could I, when we've never even exchanged a word? Sure, I can get heated when things don't go my way, but that's not what I'm worried about here.

I sighed, the nervousness about meeting Drishti overshadowing my irritation. I'm worried about how she'll take the news that my heart belongs to someone else. I knew I had to be honest with her, especially considering our families' shared history. Our grandfathers were once the best of friends, and it feels like this marriage is supposed to mend old wounds and bring our families back together. It's about more than just us; it's about reconnecting what time and misunderstandings have torn apart. The last thing I want is to disappoint everyone involved. I hope she realizes the gravity of our situation as much as I do.

Even though love isn't something I can guarantee, I'll do my best treating her with kindness and giving our relationship the respect it deserves. That's what I plan to convey to her tomorrow.

"What are you thinking about?" My mother's voice, soft yet piercing, broke through my reverie.

"Nothing! Why would you think I'd lose my temper with someone I've never met?" I questioned her logic.

"Because I know you better than you think, Tannu. And Drishti, she's a gentle soul. She might not know how to handle your temper." Mom said, looking a bit worried.

It's quite amusing when I think about it. Mom's the only one who can tame my wild side. With Dadu, it's all respect and trembling knees that has me barely able to make eye contact when he is angry. And Dad? Well, we're like two stubborn bulls locking horns until Mom steps in like the referee. We're both too proud to back down. Mom's the only one with the magic touch to cool us off.

But even though Mom knows me like the back of her hand, I can't help but wonder how she can be so sure about someone after just a two-hour meeting.

"What?" She probed again, shooting me a look like she was about to give me a lecture.

"Okay, okay. Relax, mom. I get it. I'll keep myself in check." I said, putting my hand up in surrender. She nodded in satisfaction, edging closer to me as if she had some juicy gossip to spill.

"You know, when we visited their house the other day, it was quite entertaining to observe her reactions-so genuine and innocent. She's so adorable." Mom gushed, her eyes sparkling with admiration. "That day, as soon as she walked in, I gestured for her to sit beside me. She was just about to join me when her aunt signaled for her to seek blessings from everyone. But the poor thing had no idea what going on. Even after her aunt's and mother's attempts to tell her with their signals, she was oblivious to what they were saying. Then, her little sister gave her a nudge from behind, sending her stumbling straight to my feet. That's when the light bulb finally lit up in her head, and she hurriedly took blessings from everyone."

Mom couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"I'm not sure how to feel about this. First, her waking up at 10 in the morning during our call, and now this story. It's starting to give off major spoiled brat vibes, don't you think?" I expressed my concerns, hoping Mom would see where I was coming from.

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