Chapter 6

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Drishti's POV

Pooja complained everyone about what I did yesterday. Then everyone told me to not hide anything from any of them and share everything. I agreed to it and then went to Pooja and held her hand to make her understand how sorry I was.

Pappa then told me, "Even if you can't accept any help from your people, you should share everything with them so that they will be there to support you in what you do. Okay. The biggest help that we can get from anyone is their support when we fight our own battle. And only our loved ones will be there for us, so don't push them away." I nodded.

"Really true. But when your loved ones feel that you alone can't fight everything they should help you. Right bhai?" Mom asked looking at Pappa.

"It is not like that Jaya..." Pappa started explaining.

"Then? You should have told me. We could have gone to Mangalore and solved the problem." Dad spoke in a sad tone.

"No Krishna!! If I was in some problem which I could not solve alone, I would have definitely asked you. But here Anjali's brother is in this problem..." And then Pappa explained everything that happened. Dad nodded after hearing Pappa, understanding the situation.

"Okay then. Bhai... Bhabhi... You can call me whenever you want." Mom said looking at my Amma and Pappa. Amma and Pappa both nodded at this.

"She is right. You just give a call, I will be there. Okay, Hari... Anjali." Dad added.

"Hmm... Okay." Amma answered smiling at them.

"Okay then. We will leave now. Pooja will drop you to the airport." Dad told and stood up to leave.

"Dad... Mom... wait for a second, I'll be back." I told them and ran to the kitchen.

I brought the ladoo box and gave it to everyone. I got praises from Mom and Dad when I told then that it was prepared by me.

Amma then told them why I had prepared those ladoos and everyone laughed at that.

After that Mom and Dad left telling to be careful with everyone.

"I am not falling for these ladoos if you thought like that." Pooja twisted her mouth and rolled her eyes while eating the second one.

"Then why are you eating it? Give it back." I went towards her to snatch the box. But she dodged me and ran from there. I started chasing her to take the box from her.

"Okay, stop!" She said while panting heavily from all the running. I also stopped as I was really tired.

We both were now standing in the garden. I heard Coco barking and turned towards him. I saw him looking from my face to Pooja's and lazily turned to go back inside his house. We both burst out laughing at that.

"Chikoo, Did you see that? Coco was literally telling 'Urgh! Drama queens. Whatever, I don't care!' with that look which he gave." Pooja said acting dramatic.

"That's so true. Piku, you're so funny yaa." I hit Pooja on her shoulder. Again I started laughing thinking about Coco's face and how she expressed his facial expressions in words so precisely.

"You should be thankful for being able to see such a top rated comedian." She said lifting her imaginary collar.

"When did you go to a comedy show?" 

"I will if any show asks me to. You know I won't accept just any shows."

"Haaa yeah... You name it as 'Piku's laugh show'. Even the name is funny. HAHAHA.."

She hit me very hardly and then joined me. After a minutes we stopped laughing and sat silently. 

"Sorry, Piku... You know right how I am? I didn't know what to do. And I thought if I ask you for help I thought I might feel like I am using our friendship and my uncle will not accept it." I told her everything.

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