Chapter 3

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Drishti's POV

"Chikoo, you order for all of us. I'm sure you have done your research about the menu here." Pooja told me.

"Sure" I told grinning and started looking at the menu and searching for the food I thought of ordering from here yesterday.

Then I called the waiter and gave him the order, "One servings of Tteobokki, one Kimchi jigae, Jajang rabokki and 3 servings of Bibimbap. In bibimbap I want chicken. That's all." And I smiled at him politely. He returned the smile and walked away.

"I wanted to try fried chicken also." I whined looking at Pooja. "Don't. You will not finish even half of these. Today if you at least eat more than three bites from all these you have ordered, then we will see next time." She ordered like a strict mom.

"Uhmm" I nodded obediently.

"That waiter was making a face looking at you. He was probably thinking, 'how this girl can be so skinny when she ordered almost all the dishes in the menu?', but only we knows how you eat. " Laksh joked.

"Right, Lucky!! She will eat one-two bites from everything and then she will be like 'Piku, I'm done yaa. My stomach is full.' She literally acts like a baby." She teased.

"I do that for you only. I know you both can literally eat the bowl also, if it was allowed. HAHA..." I laughed at their face.

"Oh Please, Choti! We can always order anything again instead of eating the bowl. You don't have to sacrifice your food." Laksh mocked like a strict brother for which Pooja nodded her head.

"Okay then. Today I am eating everything I ordered. That too, alone." I looked at both of them with a challenging face.

"We will see" Both said in unison.

Then I started scrolling my phone when suddenly Pooja asked about the politician we were investigating.

"We are doing our best. But his crimes are well hidden. On top of that now he doubts that there is someone digging his wrongdoings. So he is now even more careful." Laksh told.

She nodded slightly. At the same time waiter came with our food. We started digging in.

As I was about to take first bite of Tteokbokki, I heard my phone ringing. It was my Amma calling.

"Why is Amma calling me at this time?" I mumbled as I answered the call.

"Haa Amma."

"Chikoo, we all are going to Mangalore day after tomorrow. So I called to tell you. You should ask for leave nah. I guess 1 week would be enough. "

Amma is basically from Mangalore and most of my Pappa's relatives are from there itself. So someone from my Pappa's family who know my maternal grandfather proposed a marriage alliance for these two, and so Amma came to Mumbai after marrying Pappa.

"Why so suddenly Amma? I have so many work pending. I don't think I can come with you now. You three can go. I'll join you once I wrap my work here."

"Do you want any reason to go to your grandmother's house? I'll just speak to Krishna bhai."

"No, no!! That will be too much. We'll talk once I come back home. I did not even have lunch. Okay Amma...Bye." I then hung up the call.

"Why did Amma call?" Pooja enquired. "She told me to take 1 week leave to go to Mangalore. I have lots of work pending here. I don't think I can go." I explained.

"You told me that MLA is suspecting someone is following me. I think if you stop this for some days he will let his guard down. Don't you think?" said Pooja.

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