Chapter 5

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Drishti's POV

I woke up for the loud blaring sound of my alarm which I had set yesterday. I checked the time and saw it was 4.25 in the morning. So I thought of sleeping again as I had set the alarm for every 5 minutes from 4 to 5'oclock.

After 5 minutes when the alarm rang again, I slowly woke up from my bed. My bed was calling me to cuddle with it. I could imagine her whining like a kid when I walked away from it. But what can I do?

"Sorry bed, I can't grant your wish now. I have my angry friend to pacify." I said looking towards my bed, feeling bad for myself. Then I went towards the washroom to do my morning chores. I decided to go to the mandir in the living room to pray to god and then start preparing the ladoo.

I thought of preparing Pooja's favourite wheat flour ladoo, which is her favourite. She will forget all her anger if she sees it. I walked towards the kitchen after offering prayer. I searched for my recipes book which I prepared myself. Then I searched for the recipe of ladoo which I wanted to make. I then kept all the ingredients in the kitchen counter and started my work. I did not know how to cook, but if there is YouTube or my recipe book then I can be a pro chef.

"I'm the exact opposite of her. How did she befriend me?" I spoke to myself.

I smiled thinking about the day when I took this ladoo to the school.

We were in the middle of 8th grade then. I and Pooja had become close to Shanaya by that time and I told them that I prepared something sweet so they have to come to my house to taste it. After tasting the ladoo that day, Pooja always asks me to prepare this.

'If only Shanaya truly accepted us as her true friends, we would be still together.' I thought.

And then I thought about what she told me that day after everyone walked out after finding out the truth in the 9th grade.


"Drishti, come. I don't want to stand with her for another second. It's already time now, our next class will start within 10 minutes." Telling this Pooja walked towards our class and all our classmates followed.

"Shanaya, we are friends. Right? They were all lying. What you told now is all a lie, right? You all lied to prank me and Pooja, right? Come, we will go and tell now itself. Pooja will really get angry for doing such prank. But I will speak to her. Okay, come now." I told pulling her to come with me.

"It was not any prank, Drishti. I really hated you both. But then I was not going to do all this just because of that. I like Rohan, but he likes you. So I did all this. I was just going to tell something about you to Rohan only. So that he will hate you. But then you both were acting like you are the queens of this school. I couldn't digest it." Shanaya said.

"What???" I was really shocked to know that she liked Rohan when I had already told her about my crush even before she knew who is Rohan. "You could have told me. Friends share everything with each other. We would have found some way out." I told her.

"You both never treated me as your friend. You always had secrets." She said in a accusing tone.

"That was not secrets. Those were code words, which we explained to you whenever we used it infront of you."

"I don't care. Now go to your best friend. Why are you standing here?" She shouted.

"You were just like Pooja to me Shanaa..." I felt really bad that she thought something like that about our friendship. "Fine, then. You should not have included Pooja in this when you did it because of me in the first place. I won't forgive you for dragging her in this. Now I will see who Rohan will like." I said determined.

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