Chapter 2

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Drishti's POV

"Oiyee... Chikoo... Good morning" my friend, Pooja Mehra, yelled waving her hand standing near her car, while I was parking scooty in the parking area.

Pooja is my childhood friend whom I met on the first day of my kindergarten and she offered me chocolate while I was crying when Amma left, leaving me in the class. That day on, we were inseparable and literally grew up together. Because of us our parents also grew close and now we all are like a family.

I work as a Journalist and Piku as a Marketing director in Voice news channel, a company owned by Pooja's Dad, Krishna Mehra. And no, there was no favouritism. We worked hard to be where we are now.

I walked towards her after parking, and then we together entered our office building.

"Mumbai traffic is too much. I was stuck in traffic for like 5 minutes." She threw her hands on air frustrated. I nodded my head agreeing with her.

"I come through that alley. So I don't have to get stuck in traffic." She nodded knowingly.

"Chikoo!! I missed you..." she shrieked, wiping her imaginary tears dramatically and hugged me.

"Don't you dare call me that again in public." I whisper-yelled. "And about you missing me... we see each other everyday in work!" I told which, I know, did not even reach her ears.

"Call you what, Chikoo???"

"Ahh... Why is everyone hell-bent on irritating me today?" I exasperated.

"What did my Appu do today?" she gave a suppressed laugh.

"Okay, sorry... sorry. You continue" she gestured to continue once I mock-glared at her.

And I started explaining everything that happened today morning including the dream which I had seen.

"I guess fighting is the secret of your energy. HAHA..." she started laughing as though she cracked the world's best joke.

"Yeah, yeah... You would have understood if you had a sibling. I get irritated just by seeing his face."

"Who told you I don't have any siblings? I have one sister and one brother to handle. You don't know?" She made a sad face.

"Aww my Piku... I lub you but you see your brother occassionally and I heard your sister is very innocent." I told her making an innocent face.

"I have only one sister who is not like how you heard and I speak to my brother everyday and I also know you love your brother a lot."

"You don't know to give a direct answer to anything, do you?" I frowned.

"Nope" she gave a toothy grin.

Then I heard the sound in the lift announcing we are in 3rd floor. I have to get down in the next floor.

"Bye Piku... Meet you at lunch." I told a little loudly not thinking others in the lift can hear me. One of the employee working under Pooja turned towards us and chuckled. I returned a big smile to that girl. I saw Pooja shooting daggers through her eyes towards me. I gave a nervous smile to her.

Lift reached my floor. I walked out of the lift in a hurry to not to give Pooja a chance to take the revenge for what I did.

"Bye Chikoo" She yelled on top of her lungs.

I sighed and shook my head.

'I am confident this whole floor knows my nickname now.'

Piku is the name given by me when she first came to know about my nickname and started teasing me with that. 

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