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Hello... Is it miss Prim.. Speaking..

Yes prim answered the call..

I am talking from care hospital, phuket..


There's a car accident patient.. You were the last dialled number on her call list.. So....

Who is it...

It's a girl around age of 23 ... Name... Hani..

Prim was too stunned to speak anything..

Hello.. Hello.. Miss prim.
Miss prim..


Yes.. Is she okay.. What was the name of hospital..

It's care hospital near phuket highway..

How is she?

Actually ma'am it would be better if you can come here... Our doctors are treating her..


Prim ended the call and tried to walk but stumbled on her steps.. Before she could fall.... Kim was there he held her..

Are you okay.. You look unwell..

I am sorry i need to leave..

Where.. Are you going in this condition..

I need to go leave me..

Hey jr. Dr..

Where do you need to go..

Care hospital Phuket...

Phuket.. Hospital..But why..

Can you please not bother me.. Prim opened her phone to call a cab..

You won't get a cab here... Kim spoke..

Shit she cursed..

Come with me i will drop you off...

Okay.. Prim said and sat in Kim's car..

Can you drive faster.. She said..

What happened jr. Dr.. Is everything okay.. He asked.

I don't know.. Prim's whole body was shaking..

Hey please relax.. You don't look well..

Please can you drive fast I really need to reach there... She said and afte that kim didn't spoke anything..

Kim pulled away in front of the hospital .. And prim got off the car she rushed inside and she asked the receptionist about Hani's whereabouts and she told her where to go..

When prim reached there.. Hani's parents were already there...
Hani's mom was crying while sitting her head on her husbands shoulder..

Prim didn't had any courage in her to talk to them...

Just then the dr. Came out...
He called for hani's parents..

I am sorry sir.. I couldn't save your daughter... Her condition was already very bad when she came here.... She had internal bleeding in her brain.. We tried our best but we couldn't save her...

As the dr. Said these words., prim felt like her world had stopped...

She stumbled on her place.. As she moved back..

Kim had also listened what the dr. Said..
He held prim by her shoulders as she was not in stable state..

What rubbish are you speaking... Mj spoke as he came there.. He had heard the dr.. Earlier..

Kavin and thyme were just behind him..

Mj held the dr. By his collar .. What rubbish are you saying huh..
What do you mean she's no more...

Thyme pulled him back..


What mj didn't you heard what he said.. He said she's no more .. Is it a joke how can he say something like that. Is he crazy.

I am sorry sir i know it's disturbing for you but... I just said the truth..

I will kill you if you one more time said anything about her.

Sorry dr. I apologize on his behalf  He's just too emotional.. Kavin said..

I can understand... It's okay.. No problem.

After a lot of efforts mj finally believed that hani was really gone..

When her body was taken out from the operation theatre... Her parents cried while hugging her body..

While mj was just looking at her... He hadn't shaded a single tear.. Yet..

On the other hand. Prim looked at hani's body and she left for washroom and puked her guts out...

Even after being a dr. She wasn't able to see hani's dead body... She cried as she remembered hani...
Her sobs were loud....

Thyme and kavin were  with mj ...

Where did she go... Kavin muttered as his eyes searched for prim.. Who was standing in a corner when he came here but now she was nowhere to be seen..

Kim had followed prim when she left from there.. He was standing outside the ladies washroom... He could hear her loud cries but he wasn't able to do any thing for her....

He got a text it was from work... He needs to go there... Immediately..

Kim looked at the entrance of washroom.. Prim was still crying...
He called a nurse who was passing nearby..

Ma'am can you please check on the girl who's crying inside she had lost someone close to her...


Please ma'am... If you want I can pay you  ..

No need to pay. I Will take care of her sir..

Thank you ma'am kim said and left...

The nurse entered the washroom and prim was fainted near the faucet...

She called for help and prim was taken in the emergency ward  .

The Dr's their checked upon her... She has fainted due to low blood pressure...

Is there someone with her... Any relative.. The dr. Asked the nurse..

There was  a man waiting for her out side the washroom but he had to leave so he asked me to take care of her.. The nurse replied..

Check her phone and call her family members or friends to inform that she's here.. The dr. Said and left..

The nurse checked prim's  pockets for her phone and found it . As she picked it the phone ringed up... Showing an unknown number..

She answered it..

Hello prim.. Where are you..

Hello sir,

Isn't this prim Chanikarns number..

Yes sir but the owner of this phone is in the emergency ward at care hospital phuket...

What.. Wait I am coming there..
The call ended..

The nurse was a little surprised at how abruptly the call ended...

Where is prim chanikarn... I got a call that she's here..A very worried kavin asked at the reception in emergency ward...

And the receptionist pointed toward the bed where prim was....

Sorry this update was quite late... And if there are some errors please forgive me... I was a little bit unwell these past few days...

Thank you for reading and loving this story ❤

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