the chaos begins

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Gorya's grandfather Mr. Jian's car got in an accident last night. 

What... Kavin and mj both spokenin unison

Yes and he took his last breathe just a few hours ago.... I just got a call from dad... dew spoke..

Kavin also checked his phone and his secretary had informed him about it on text.. When he didn't answered the calls.

Its going to be a chaos now

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Its going to be a chaos now.. Dew said..

A big chaos... He was the biggest shareholder after dad in the company..... Now with him gone...... The situations will change......

Kavin's phone ringed....
It was thyme . ..

Kavin answered it..

You saw news right....
Thyme spoke.

Yes... How is gorya...

She's not okay I am with her...sorry i didn't got a chance to tell you earlier...

It's okay... Just take care of you and her..

It will create problems for your position in company...

Don't worry about that thyme I will handle that you just focus on taking care of gorya.. I can handle it.... Kavin said..

Okay then take care but if you need any help i am here okay... I will ask dad to look into it.. Thyme said..

Okay.. Kavin ended the call..

How is gorya... Dew asked..

She's not fine but she will be okay thyme is there...

Poor gorya she was the closest to her grandfather after her mother passed away ..... How will she be coping with it..

Don't worry thyme will handle her.... He's the most caring one when it comes to her... Kavin spoke..

Mj and kavin left for office while dew went back to hospital..

Next day the three of them went to pay respect to gorya's grandfather . ..

The whole business world and many big families people were there to pay respect to gorya's grandfather.

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