I don't want your pity

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Kavin went to tan's college to pick him up . And he spotted him standing with a few classmates .

He felt a little disappointed when he couldn't see prim there .

He felt a little disappointed when he couldn't see prim there

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He pulled over in front of tan and his friends .

Okay guys bye my brother is here tan said as he walked upto his brother's car and got in the passenger seat .

Are they your friends Kavin asked .

Yes brother more like classmates than friends we were discussing the answers of neurology test .

Yes brother more like classmates than friends we were discussing the answers of neurology test

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Ohh you had a test today . He asked

Yes .

All the classes had test today or only yours .

Only 1st years had the test , others had off today .

Ohhh. That's why prim was not there Kavin thought .


Yes .

Can we go to the Augusta cafe at central park .

Can we go to the Augusta cafe at central park

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Why are you hungry he asked

No I need to give these notes back to sister .

Why is she there Kavin asked .

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