let me stay dark

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there is no poetic way to address my feelings,
there is no beautiful way i can etch the words on the page and they will appear any less sad,
there are barely any words to even explain the emotions i carry with me,
there is no possibility of telling anyone ever, that you can't continue like this.

the way the tears roll from my eyes is not a beautiful metaphor,
the way the screams slip from my mouth is not an invitation of relation,
the trembling of my hands is not a beg for you to clasp your fingers around mine,
the darkness of my room is not there for you to come and flip the lightswitch.

my tears hang with sorrow
and stream with jealousy,
stinging my cheeks like strings of blood.
whilst my screams echo,
as desperation claws like nails in skin.

but you are welcome to join;
you may sit by my side,
wipe the tears from my cheeks,
pretend you can't hear my screams,
but please
please don't flip the lightswitch.

the stars were in your eyes 💫 - poetryWhere stories live. Discover now