forgive me, forget you

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i hate the idea that love isn't guaranteed
i hate the idea that friendship isn't promised
i hate the idea that you can lose anything at any given moment,

i hate the idea that i could be forgotten.

how can i live
how can i move on
when all i do is remember

i'm still affected from that one summer two years ago
where i watched the sun melt
me and my friends sat in the lake as the sun danced over our bodies,
i still crave the taste of the cold bitter air on my cracked lips as the snow falls,
i hear my sisters laugh echoing around me,
and i still dream of these feelings lasting for a life time.

oh how i hate that nothing lasts forever

i hate that there is always an end
and i hate that you never realise it

at-least not until you look back..
but by then it's too late

and god do i hate that i love so hard

and oh how i hate,
that i don't really hate at all.

but for now i'll call it hate,
because it is much less painful
then calling it love.

so please,
forgive me for never forgetting you
and i'll forgive you for forgetting me

the stars were in your eyes 💫 - poetryWhere stories live. Discover now