the tea shall burn my tongue

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i'll make sure i sit on the far side of my kitchen.

i'll make sure i don't root through the drawers
i'll make sure i don't open any cupboards
i'll make sure i don't stare at the knives on the kitchen counter
i'll make sure i don't dream about the medicine lay in my cabinet

i'll make sure i stay far away
i'll make sure it won't happen
i'll make sure i can distract myself

i won't let myself stand up
i won't let my hand travel along the blade
i won't let my fingers lock on the bottle cap


i'll make myself a hot cup of tea
i'll make myself some warm toast

the tea shall burn my tongue,
but i'll still take another long sip.
and the toast shall make my lip bleed,
but i'll still take another hard bite.

i'll smile at the satisfaction.

and i'll make sure i sit on the far side of my kitchen

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