only seen, never noticed

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for once i want to be noticed,

not just seen
but truly acknowledged.

i want someone to notice the dimple in my cheek when i smile
and how it's only there when i am truly smiling
or how some of my teeth show when i genuinely laugh at something
i want someone to notice that my eyes change colour and how sometimes they are a calming green and others a soft grey
i want them to notice that one of my pupils is bigger than the other
i like to think it's filled with more love

i want my rosy cheeks to be noticed
not pointed out in embarrassment
i want someone to notice when my hands shake and to hold them gently
i want them to realise purple is my favourite colour
but because they took the chance to care

not because i had to tell them everything

and i hate to say i want
because it makes me sound desperate

but i don't want to just be some girl in the crowd
i want to be the one someone is searching for

the stars were in your eyes 💫 - poetryOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant