♫ introdution ♫

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ikigai - the Japanese word for
"a reason of being"

when i first drafted this book
i had a 400 word induction.
i felt i owe it to everyone to explain myself,
now i realise i don't owe it to anyone at all

this book is for me
for the people i've lost and moved on from
for the people i love
the ones who have changed my life.
for breaking and healing

i don't owe anything to anyone anymore

thank you to those i love who read this
i hope you recognise yourselves in my words

and a thankyou to the lovely fredy <3 thank you for being your loving and kind self always, thank you for inspiring me and showing me it's okay to love what i love, to do what makes me happy !!
i love you

and thank you to all my girls <3 you make me happier i love you each and everyone of you, I've only known your for a short amount of time but it's been a great month(that gc has changed my life),thank you for making life that bit better <3

"when my time comes around
lay me gently in the cold, dark, earth
no grave can hold my body down
i'll crawl home to her"
- hozier "work song"

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