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i think i'm always going to feel inferior
no matter how much love i'm shown
i'm never going to believe it
i'll always believe i'm the last choice

i think i'll always feel unimportant
like i'm not worthy
i'm not special to anyone
i'll always believe i'm unlovable

and maybe that's partly my fault
but who allows a child to feel like that
but i'm older know
i should probably just grow up

but maybe it's all true
maybe i'm really not important
i'm not loved or worthy
i'll have to heal something i did not break

so i guess part of me wishes i was still a kid
maybe then it would be different
maybe i'd heal
and feel important to others

maybe they would care
because i'm a clueless kid
who knows nothing
and needs to be shielded from the world

the stars were in your eyes 💫 - poetryWhere stories live. Discover now