right person, wrong time

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the right person
the wrong time

one of my favourite tropes,
whether it's friends
whether is family
whether it's love

i think it's soul crushingly beautiful

how two people can yearn for eachother
have such a strong need for eachother
and this is what breaks them apart

how their love and their care for one another
is too much for them to handle

they can be everything and more
that you are searching for in a person

and they will be all you think of when they leave,

there will be fragments of them in everybody you ever meet

and you will take these fragments

and you will try and piece them together over time

but they will never stay

they will crumble

because there was never enough time .

you'll wait for your person
but they will never come

they are your soulmate
your twin flame
the other half of your soul

and yet when you are together
you are not whole

you are so right for one another
that you don't take the time to learn,
or to love like you normally do
because it all feels so right

you rush
and you break
and you hurt

but you don't heal

the right person was in the palm of your hand
and yet you still didnt have enough time

and you never will

the stars were in your eyes 💫 - poetryWhere stories live. Discover now