my world is onfire and you held my burning hand

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friendship is so pure,

because it's beautiful having someone by your side
someone you'd drop anything for in an instant
someone who makes you laugh as much as you make them laugh
someone to share all the good with,

but finding your people is more than you could ever need.

because what you do for them,
they do back just as quick with nothing but care.

they are like shooting stars on a cloudy winters night, lighting up the dullest and darkest moments,
creating a glimmer of hope.
they are like the first snow fall of the year, because it's so unexpected but so breathtakingly beautiful.
they are like your favourite colour, as there's a reason you hold them close and see them in everything you do.

and they will do absolutely anything for you, and they mean anything.
they'd burn the world for you
and make sure your not on fire,
they would kill for you
protecting you from the harm of anyone else.

you are their protector
as much as they are yours.

so hold them close..

even if the world is crashing down on your shoulders, and going up in flames,

because the right people will hold your burning hand.

the stars were in your eyes 💫 - poetryWhere stories live. Discover now