31 ~ Moral of the Story

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Suman POV

I saw him in his bed with me. My chest was rising with each breath intake and falling with every exhale. My stomach felt fluttery. My fingers knit over my waist, preventing the trembling.

And I watched him silently shifting on his one side, weighing his head on his elbow for support and looking into my eyes.

I knew we had spent a few heavy, heated moments, but this was feeling more intriguing and breathtaking than those. Because when he pushed his dagger inside me, my brain went dizzy, and my body sang in sync with its thrust, singing its own melodies. And, when he placed me in his lap and awarded me the very first pleasuring act of my life, I was too stunned to react.

But this was completely different. My brain was not dizzy; my body was not heated up to have a brain of itself. There was peace, silence, and time to capture these moments for life.

There was darkness in the chamber, only a few fire torches in the corner, and a lamp on the table near the couch was burning. The curtains of the entrance of the bedroom and windows were drawn. It was past midnight. The chaos and distinct noises of attendees walking, soldiers, and gossiping had stopped.

The silence thickened the seasonally cold nightly air so that his normal breathing started becoming audible. And, from a distance, the voices of the insects, crickets were dripping into our ears.

I pulled my knees up, feeling slightly conscious of my waist visible amid the dupatta tucked into the side of my skirt.

His gaze was intense while holding mine. The dark green ocean was drowning me deep into the surreal world where the possibility of anyone stepping into our solaceful life was thin– very thin.

I gulped nervously, looking at his gaze dropping to my lips and sticking there. The tightness in my heart intensified slowly, waiting for him to look away. But, the warmth of my cheeks turned into the heat– the heat from a lover's gaze, innocent yet sinful. Loving but dangerous.

My belly tightened with his continuous stare and the slight nervous crawls of sensations rolling on my skin.

My breathing was uneven, noticing his gaze stuck on my lips. He kept staring until I bit the inside of my lower lip out of nervousness.

He inhaled deeply all of a sudden; his cheeks had turned darker, and he lifted his gaze to look at me, a cloud of questions visible in his eyes.

My heart touched a new low, lost in his new darkness of green, mesmerized by his warm radiation, soothing my body and soul from inches apart.

My gaze fluttered timidly as he shifted slightly closer. His palm touched my head with a soft caress, and I looked at his face, hovering over me.

The pause was brutal. My toes rolled in anticipation. His gaze lowered to my lips again, and the rough yet caressing embrace of his palm on the top of my head felt like the most comforting thing in my whole life.

I gulped with nervousness and tried to say.

"Someday, someone will see us,"

My voice came out low, and he muttered in his slow, deep voice.

"We are not doing anything wrong,"

The word 'wrong' weighed my breath alone.


The words hung in my throat. I was too stunned to speak, waiting for him to walk down the last few centimetres to lift me for the flight to my heavenly, pleasurable abode.

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