Chapter 594: Great Turmoil, Divine Kingdom Shattered

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Time did not stop because of the turmoil in the world. Day and night continued to pass.

July 23rd. It was the fifth day after the gods had disappeared.

Finally, some forces could not hold it in anymore.

They started to devour the sect’s assets openly and covertly.

One has buried most of the sect’s strength in the Crimson Moon.

The greedy wolves devoured the remaining troops of the church. They couldn’t resist.

The forces that had taken action were initially a little worried. But the greed in their hearts rose after they obtained massive benefits. One has not countered these benefits.

They gradually let go of their worries. Their actions became bolder and wilder.

Some would inevitably follow suit if someone demonstrated an example.

Some restless factions could not help but stretch out their hands when they saw that the good things had fallen into the mouths of others.

The hungry wolves would not let it go once they smelled blood.

Starting from July 23rd, the believers of the sect suddenly realized. The sky changed.

Vast noble families took over the various properties of the sect and merchant associations under different names.

Some believers resisted. Their resistance became weak after they lost the support of their gods.

Half a month has passed.

The believers did not receive punishment, but still no response from the gods. That allowed the various nobles and guilds to let go.

It was like a vicious shark surged up.

They happily ate the corpses of the sect.

The vast profits had even won several wars between the factions.

It made the already chaotic situation even more turbulent.

The plunder of the sect only gradually came to an end on August 10th. The pivotal factions hadn’t found their conscience. But they had divided the sect’s high-quality assets.

Only churches remained in almost all the major cities.

Some bolder ones even plundered the entire sect.

The fall of a giant would cause countless people to cheer. His corpse would nourish all things.

Those forces could nurture.

In Solan City, the first to attack the sect was still the Phoenix-Tail Flower Chamber of Commerce.

The Phoenix-Tail Flower Chamber of Commerce had almost devoured 60% of the cult’s power under Windsor’s will in just three days.

The nobles could have eaten everything if the nobles had reacted a little slower.

However, unexpectedly, the Phoenix-Tail Flower Chamber of Commerce and the Violet Merchant Association that Vale controlled also made a decisive move.

Vale couldn’t do as much as the Phoenix-Tail Flower Chamber of Commerce due to his limited strength. He lost 20% of his courage.

The strength of the Phoenix-Tail Flower Chamber of Commerce welcomed a surge after they obtained vast assets.

Moreover, no one dared to play tricks on the Phoenix-Tail Flower Chamber of Commerce because of the Grand Duke of Frostwolf in Solan. That is despite the jealousy of several nobles.

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