Chapter 51-60

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Chapter 51, Got it

Zhou Aimei gave Su Yuting a hard look. If it weren't for her, Su Yanting's life would be even more prosperous than that of her son Zeng Yunjun!

Zhou Aimei warned Su Yuting: "Your sister is destined to have a prosperous husband. Don't become a loser. Don't think that by marrying my son, you can sit back and relax. I tell you, no way."

"The city is not the countryside. I've asked, people are getting divorced everywhere. At worst, you two should get divorced!"

Su Yuting took a deep breath, Zhou Aimei was leaving with Zeng Hongmin today, and she was too lazy to argue with these two people.

"Mother-in-law, hurry to the train station."

Su Yuting was filled with hatred. When she made a lot of money in the 1980s, she wanted Zhou Aimei and Zeng Hongmin to kneel down and beg her to coax her.

These two idiots didn't understand people well and didn't know what they had missed. She was reborn and had so many experiences about the future.

Su Yuting saw those who opened factories, who didn't make a lot of money? In the 1980s, the bold were always overpowered and the timid were starved to death. This time she knew about the development of economic policies, and sooner or later she would become extremely rich.

When the time comes, not to mention Zhou Aimei and Zeng Hongmin, even Su Yanting will have to look shy to please her.

But Jiang Rong became Jiang's political commissar! He is still so young! The future is limitless!

Su Yuting's eyes turned red. This was all because of her. If she hadn't been reborn, she would have married Zeng Yunjun!

After these days, Su Yuting's feelings for Zeng Yunjun became weaker and weaker, and she also began to feel that Zeng Yunjun was a disaster and that this man was a bastard.

When Su Yuting was reborn, she did not want to marry Zeng Yunjun. It was Zeng Yunjun who did the marriage exchange. She was just shocked...

Now that things have come to this, she wants to impress everyone!

Su Yuting walked out of the train station. Instead of going back directly, she went to Xinhua Bookstore. She bought a complete set of "Self-study Series of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry". Although she planned to start a business in the 1980s, she also planned to resume the college entrance examination in 1977. At that time, he was admitted to college with a blockbuster.

"Su Yanting took the salesperson exam, and she will be a salesperson for the rest of her life, just a waiter." Su Yuting smiled coldly: "They are all short-sighted. Salespersons and movie projectionists will all be eliminated in the end. "

The set of seventeen books was very heavy. Su Yuting held the books in her arms and walked out with difficulty. She regretted why she didn't buy them in two separate times.

As she walked out of the door, a woman passed by her. Su Yuting took a few steps forward and stopped. She always felt that this woman's face was very familiar, as if she had seen it before, but she couldn't remember it. .

Su Yuting took two more steps, and her eyes suddenly widened: "!"

She recognized who the woman was just now! She knows who she is! She once saw a story about her in a women's magazine, which was still fresh in her memory.

That woman's name is Bai Xiaoqiu, and she is Bai Yueguang, the first love of a rich man. Bai Xiaoqiu and Xue Yueqing, who was also an educated youth, went to the countryside to join a team in a place. The two fell in love, but Bai Xiaoqiu's family did not agree to their marriage. They tricked Bai Xiaoqiu into returning to the city and forced her to marry her. She was asked to marry the son of the deputy factory director, and Xue Yueqing was severely humiliated.

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