Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 : System

Bai Mei's father died early and her mother went to live with another male, so she has been eating from the big pot in the tribe.

Because of collective labor, she could hide whenever she could. Although the people in the tribe looked down upon her, they still supported her because even if she did nothing, she still had a role for the tribe - reproduction.

Due to the harsh climate and lag in development in the Beast World, it is very precious for fragile females to survive.

Here, the matter of "sharing wives" is not uncommon, but it comes more from the possessiveness of the male bloodline. Most orcs would rather be single than share their females with others.

When she reached adulthood, Bai Mei also knew how to choose her next meal ticket, so she set her sights on Cang Yuan, the strongest male of the younger generation in the tribe.

Cang Yuan has a strong body, is brave and resourceful, and has hunted the most prey in recent years. Therefore, in the eyes of many people, he is the next candidate for the clan leader. Even the clan leader praises him very much and almost regards him as his heir. treat.

It is impossible for such a male Baimei not to want to have it for himself.

Although Bai Mei was delicious and lazy, she had a pretty appearance.

As for Baimei's entangled courtship, the male Cangyuan almost half-heartedly agrees.

Unexpectedly, the beast wave came last winter. Cang Yuan was seriously injured while fighting off the beast wave. He lost feeling in his left leg. From the strongest fighting force in the clan to a disabled person who needed support from others.

As soon as this incident happened, Bai Mei immediately changed her attitude towards Cang Yuan, and turned to attack another male orc.

It's just that the male orc has already found a mate and is waiting to participate in the group's collective marriage ceremony. He won't agree to anything, but Bai Mei is shameless and insists on joining...

Later that female was unwilling and went to the patriarch to uphold justice, but the patriarch had no choice but to make the two of them a couple on the pretext that Bai Mei had been intimate with Cang Yuan.

In the clan, the patriarch had a lot of power to speak, even though the two were reluctant and did not even participate in the couple ceremony, Bai Mei still had to move from the female collective cave to the cave in Cangyuan.

Only then did Bai Mei regret it. If she had known that she was going to marry a cripple, she would have been better off agreeing to the men with ordinary abilities who had pursued her before.

While she was disgusted with Cang Yuan, she also asked Cang Yuan for this and that.

Cang felt ashamed of Bai Mei because of his lame leg, and agreed to everything out of a male responsibility.

From the very beginning of getting married, Bai Mei wanted to put Cang Yuan to death, and then find her next partner. After thinking hard, she thought of the very ferocious colorful giant spider in the southern swamp.

'It's really the best everywhere. '

Bai Mei read through these memories like a revolving lantern and came to this conclusion.

What she is more interested in now is the shopping mall that appeared out of thin air. Now that Cang Yuan's life is safe, Bai Mei is in the mood to explore it carefully.

The first category is "seeds", which are very rich in varieties, including crops she is more familiar with such as rice, sweet potatoes, and cabbage, as well as things she has never heard of such as firefly eggplants and ax beans. In short, there are many varieties, but The price is a little expensive, and it is sold in pellets.

For example, field crops such as rice and corn cost one point per grain, while vegetables such as cabbage and eggplant require two points per grain, and those crops with strange names range from 5 to 10 points per grain.

The second category of recipes has everything you need. What attracts Baimei the most are architectural drawings and tool drawings. Of course, Bai Mei didn't even dare to think about the points with several zeros on the back.

The third one was medicines. Bai Mei looked carefully at the specific medicines, and there was actually a bottle of medicine called "Broken Bone Rebirth Powder".

'This Broken Bone Rebirth Powder, what kind of rebirth method is it? '

As if knowing Bai Mei's thoughts, the system replied [If you are limping, open the original wound and apply this medicine to heal it. ]

Bai Mei firmly understood.

Looking at the price of 800 points for this bottle of medicine, and the 100 points she got after taking the antidote for Cang Yuan, Bai Mei deeply felt that 100 points for one life was not worth much.

'How come the life-saving venom antidote is only 100 points, and the bruise cure is only 800 points? '

[That bottle of antidote is the first order in the store, so it is 10% off]

Bai Mei: "..."

I don't understand, but I was shocked.

You have a lot of trouble with a system.

Bai Mei sat on the bed, leaning against the stone wall behind her, trying to extract some information from her memory to see where she should start to benefit the world.

The two words of food and clothing are the people's livelihood plan, start with eating!

Although it is spring and everything is recovering, the way of hunting, which depends on luck to determine whether they can have enough food, still makes the whole group hungry and full.

It's okay now, but it's even more difficult to find prey in winter, and almost the whole family is suffering from hunger. Bai Mei imagined that sweet potatoes are the most profitable crop, and she needs to accumulate as many points as possible within a month to sow sweet potatoes at the end of spring.

Thinking about her plans for the future, Bai Mei suddenly heard a growl in her stomach.


It was only then that she remembered that she hadn't eaten for a long time, and she thought that Cang Yuan was seriously injured, and she must eat enough when she woke up.

There was half a leg of lamb in the cave, which was sent by other males. Everyone thought that Cang Yuan would not survive. For Bai Mei, a beautiful female, there were still a few unscrupulous males who would marry her. In the end, he must be able to train her to a good attitude, and began to pursue Bai Mei before Cang Yuan died.

And in this world, obviously, food is the best pursuit.

This leg of lamb made Bai Mei a little embarrassed, but Cang Yuan was injured like this now, and Bai Mei was a female who couldn't hunt, so the two of them had cut off their food source.

[A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old book-chasing tool, a source-changing app used by old bookworms,]

Bai Mei suddenly saw two giant spider eyes shining faintly beside her.

This thing almost killed Cang Yuan and made Bai Mei feel sad. Bai Mei has seen many glass beads that are more crystal clear than this, and they are not precious in her opinion.

Making up her mind, Bai Mei picked up her two eyes and searched her memory to find a family where the male was very strong and should have extra food to share with them.

When Baimei arrived at the cave, the female from that family looked at her with guarded and disgusted eyes.

"What are you doing here? Cangyuan is dead?" You want to hook up with my male again?

Mei Jiu swallowed the second half of her sentence, but her attitude towards Bai Mei was very bad. After all, Bai Mei has a criminal record. Who knows if her male is strong and strong, which has moved Bai Mei's mind.

"Cang Yuan is fine," Bai Mei imitated the accent here and quickly explained, "It's just that he is a little weak due to poisoning and can't go hunting for the time being. I know Cheng Yang is a capable orc, so I wanted to ask if there is any extra food. Can you share it with us?"

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