Final Match

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The final round is underway, but has been delayed over a minute and Lupin hasn't shown up. Many had begun to wonder if Lupin had gotten cold feet, but few had thought that Gunther had something to do with it; yet many didn't do anything about it.

Announcer: First and final call for Arsene Lupin to come to the arena. You have one more minute to come. If you do not show up, you will be forfeiting the match.

Upon saying that, the arena lights dim down and all were murmuring in confusion on what is coming next.

Lights became part of the show of Arséne's entrance, the big screens that showed much to focus on the arena were now showing animations of lyrics and figures where a hellhound was fighting any who would oppose him. Along with recruiting others to join his pack. Arséne was much part of the show when the song began to play and the lights were flashing for him. He was making himself the star of the show; many in the arena cheered him on as he came in, hopping around and shadow boxing his way in. But for some, saw this as an annoyance, including Gunther.

As Lupin was approaching the center ring, he got a look at Gunther where being a hippo demon wasn't just about his weight, but his height was towering over Lupin by 2ft more of him.

Announcer: Well, well, ladies and gents, this hound doesn't want to make his final hours be one to be forgotten folks. Now, this will be a final match up. There will be no countdown, there will only be either a yield or death to the opponent. Turns to Arséne. Thinking you still have a chance to beat the champ?

Arséne: Don't know if I try. Just know the hippo man can be brought down a peg or two.

Arséne said with a smile on his face, making Gunther more irritated upon him.

Announcer: Well, either way kid, you've been great for ratings. Now, would the fighters please go to their neutral corners.

Arséne and Gunther went to their corners, Lupin seems to be in good spirits as he hops a bit as he makes it to his corner. But, he could feel his mind walking close to his doubts. It was then broken when Amu gave a slap on Arséne's back, Amu gave Arséne a calm and confident look.

Amu: Don't think about what could happen. Focus on the now.

Arséne then takes a deep breath, burning the words into his mind.


From there, much of the world faded away for Arséne except for the arena and Gunther. Arséne was walking into the center of the arena, the crowd noise had been silenced, the only thing for him to hear were his heartbeat and footsteps. Upon reaching the middle with Gunther, that was then he threw a punch at Arséne. At that moment, Arséne pulled a gazelle punch to both cause damage and to get away from Gunther's reach.

From there, the fight went on as an aggressive apex predator facing a creature that was prey with gloves on. Surprisingly, Gunther was moving very agile for someone of his size. Arséne was the one with more speed, Gunther tried his best to get in some hits onto Arséne but would get scratches onto him or miss him. Arséne was dancing around Gunther for him to get in many hits on him; yet they were all minor damage as Gunther was showing no sign that Arséne's hits are doing anything against Gunther's fat blubber of a skin.

After an 8 hit combo onto Gunther's side, Gunther had gotten a grip onto Arséne. Gunther was making Arséne go into a cartoon smack down by slamming him around like he was a hammer. After a minute of a cartoon special being displayed, he tosses Arséne like a ball to a wall, upon impact made the wall crack and rubble began to fall upon Arséne. Some of the crowd cheered and few fell silent, not giving the satisfaction to Gunther.

Arséne Lupin of Hell. (Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss )Where stories live. Discover now