If It Cost Me My Life...(Part 4)

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We now reach to the East District, at least a certain part, a town called Mammon's gambit. As the name implies from the Prince of Greed, it was Las Vegas in hell, a foothold in the pride ring where he could have some influence with the Sinners without, at times, leaving his ring. The town was riddled with casinos, strip clubs, drug stores, and skyscrapers that would possibly make Valentino notice. Valentino's reputation is known, for even his buildings in Pentagram city were to be, literally, a pleasure tower to fill every sinner's desires. M. Gambit was that of a night life, many neon signs to show off various figures and various cursive and non-cursive writing to lure in sinners.

To many, it was another red light district in a different location. Well, if the red light district of gambling would have a car chase through the town with gun fire echoing through.

4 cars had been driving in a fit of rage and were firing at Lupin's car on the highway section, in retaliation, Angel was shooting out from the window with his tommy machine gun out of the window

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4 cars had been driving in a fit of rage and were firing at Lupin's car on the highway section, in retaliation, Angel was shooting out from the window with his tommy machine gun out of the window.

Angel: This feels like old times when I was alive! Laughs in such joy.

Cherri: Glad to see you smiling, Angi. She said as she lits up a fuse to a bomb.

The two combine strength of gun and bomb, none of the cars that were chasing them could even get a car close to Lupin. Explosions and guns blazing, the pursuers could see the glow of glee in their eyes that none of them would ever forget.

Lupin: While I am happy that you two are having a literal blast right now. Hands out the grenade launcher to Cherri. But we're in a time crunch and in no need of some bumbling bees on our asses.

Cherri had turned to was poking at her butt, she then sees the grenade launcher that Lupin is holding. Cherri smiled in full joy, imagining the massive mayhem she could do with it; Lupin was both feeling happy she knew what to do with once she got a hold of it and concerned what would happen if he were to forget that she was holding it. When Cherri got a hold of it and aimed her sights at the pursuers, the pursuers were trying to figure out a way to evade. But try as they might, Cherri's aim was much more accurate to make the round effective on the pursuers.


Two of the cars had made a parking space into the side of a building when they had swerved away.

Angel: WHOA~! Nice one Cherri

Cherri: That was awesome!

Lupin: Wish I could see it!

Lupin had said with a serpentine maneuver he pulled to keep away from the one coming gun fire from behind. Angel and Cherri chuckled at the remark, they do their best to fend off the Diamond Spiders.

Arséne Lupin of Hell. (Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss )Where stories live. Discover now