When The Student Is Ready...

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Lupin: So wait, an Imp came by in the office and they wanted to know where I was? Not looking to hire you guys?

Moxxie: We thought-

Blitzo: He thought.

Moxxie: 'WE' thought that you should know what this person may be coming after you.

The group had gotten to talking, after fixing the door and making the tea. Along with Lupin having to find his casual clothing to wear.

Loona: Ok, are we gonna ignore the fact that man goes naked in his apartment?

Lupin: It gets hot and I'm one of the few here who doesn't own a AC unit.

Millie: That's so unfair, why don't you ask for one? Hell buy one, you have th-

Lupin gestures to Millie to silence herself, takes a look at the door and then back.

Moxxie: Oh that's right.

Loona: What?

Lupin: I like to keep my thieving life and this life separate.

Blitzo: Why?

Lupin: I got enemies who would try to go after the people I care about to get to me. So, taking one where they try to find someone that tricks them, Hey, let them. And who's gonna chase after a hellhound who's an electrician?

Moxxie: Plus, if the people died from the heist, they would want us to kill him.

Blitzo then slowly turns to Lupin, thinking how many people who would pay to get their shot at Lupin's head.

Lupin: Don't even think about it, Blitz. Without even looking at him.

Blitzo: I wasn't thinking about it.

Lupin: Yeah you were.

Blitzo: No I wasn't.

Lupin: Hm. To all. Any of you know what this guy looks like?

Millie: A bit like Blitz, but he seemed to be wearing some sort of gym sweat jacket, along with the pants. Seems like he's seen a fight or two.

Lupin looks up and thinks for a moment, though he winces in pain for some of his drinks last night and hasn't fully run its course yet. But he does recall his events.

Lupin: Did he by any chance have a chipped or broken horn?

Millie: Yeah, yeah he did. How did you know?

Lupin then leans back on the couch with his hands to hide the dread on his face from the others. Moxxie knew what this meant, but the rest were much in the trying to catch on.

Lupin: I think I know why he went to your place.

Loona: How?

Lupin: I got him confused with Blitz when I was heavily drunk.

Blitzo: The fuck? How do you get me confused with any other imp?

Blitzo: The fuck? How do you get me confused with any other imp?

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Lupin: ...I was 'heavily drunk'. What word in that sentence I said did you not understand?

Moxxie: How many drinks did you have?

Loona: let me guess, 10?

Lupin: Slowly turns to Loona with a squint in his eyes. I believe it to be between 130-150. At first they were shots, but a fight got involved and I got into drinking as I was fighting.

Loona, Blitzo, Millie and Moxxie had their faces in surprise to how Lupin was able to take in the alcohol.

Blitzo: Wait a min, how can you drink and fight at the same time? Isn't that impossible?

Lupin then pointed out to his TV, where above has a VHS/DVD player above it. It was repaired with some duct tape and some got together with some bolts.

Lupin: Press play, I left the movie on the start of the training scene.

As they all were watching the old movie, many were speculating on how Lupin was able to survive for so long just watching from some movies or tv shows. Lupin had responded to the looks with a shrug, since much of his current lifestyle has been going with the flow, as much of IMP had clearly seen with Lupin as they worked with him. Well, cept for Loona.

Lupin: one of his ears twitch. I believe he followed you guys.

Loona: Then tries to hear. How do you know it's not some rando?

Lupin: I've lived here longer to know how people walk up in this place and the sound of their feet they make coming into this complex. This one is new.

Blitzo: There is no way that you can tell that-

Lupin: This one is a boxer, their steps were rapid as if they were a marathon. But their breathing is calm, so that means they've been doing it like it's their daily breakfast.

Loona ears begin to twitch, hearing the coming footsteps, though she was surprised to hear them just now after a moment when Lupin had heard it first. Loona turned to Lupin, intended to give a mean look to him, but was met with Lupin looking at her in curiosity. This made Loona a bit surprised, but mostly annoyed for some reason, to which Lupin quickly diverted his attention to the door. From Lupin and Loona from hearing the steps, to the rest now hear of the oncoming steps, getting closer and closer. Moxxie, Millie, Blitzo, and Loona were getting ready for a fight, but Lupin was more calm than the others.

Knock knock.

No one answered.

Knock knock.

???: Hello, I'm looking for Arsene Lupin. I've been requested to train him.

All of those within the room then exchange befuddlement and confusion on their faces, yet no one would answer. All but Lupin who had stood up and walked to the door to open.

Loona: Loudly whispering What the fuck are you doing?

Lupin had turned to her with a shrug, then proceeded to the door to look at the peephole of his door. Lupin then sees an imp who was the same height as Blitzo but with a huge difference; on one horn it was chipped from the tip while the other was completely broken off, it had been smoothed out over time. His forehead having a symbol of fire, along with the facial features were of two scars; one across his nose and one down one of right eye. His clothing was a clear sign he was working at the gym, his sweat jacket that he wears and one of his hands is wrapped as if he was a boxer in training. Lupin turns to the group, they instantly shake their heads to which Lupin rolled his eyes and sighed.

Lupin: To the stranger. I'm here, but who requested this?

???: Trust me, I would tell you in a heartbeat, but the guy never said his name to me.

Lupin: Then we're done here.

???: ...He had said that you were in need of this training.

Lupin: Oh, and why is that?

???: He said that you'll get people killed if you don't take it.

Lupin stopped dead in his tracks as he turns away.

???: He also said 'that deep down, you sense it too.'

Lupin winces for a moment, feeling as if he was being tricked, but hearing the stranger's voice sensed there was no deceit in his voice, nor such of a way to make it a doubt to Lupin of his abilities. He then looked to the group who were looking at Lupin, wondering what his choice would be.

Lupin had turned around and opened the door to the stranger.

Lupin: ...Whats your name Mr.?

???: Amu, Amu Lat'or. 

To be continued...

Arséne Lupin of Hell. (Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss )Where stories live. Discover now