A Wolf And Firefly(Side Story #4)

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(First, please give a hand to the artist of art.)

March 25th 20XX

Cherri Bomb, the anacharchist of bombardments, she has been dealing with some low level gangsters that try to move in on her territory for trade. Some have been dealt with, others were-


Many of the gang members has turned and run in fear of Cherri's bombs.

Cherri: Ha Ha Ha~, and stay out; less you really want to see bits and pieces of you scattered all over the place. Saying so as she bat on of her bombs to one of them fleeing.

She keeps her eye on the bomb arching onto the thugs who are running away.

Cherri: Turns around. And the~n?

There was an explosion that had her signature color.

Cherri: Chuckles. A~h I do love me some big booms in the early morning. She smiles. I should probably head back and call up on Angel, see how he's doing.

Cherri calls up on Angel.

Angel: Hey Cherri, how are you doing?

Cherri: Hey Angel, doing okay, just dealt with some wusses who tried to trade in my territory.

Angel: Nice, been meaning to ask, have you heard up on Lupin?

Cherri: No, why?

Angel: Been hearing rumors on how some hellhound been doin some savin to some sinners. And that he ain't alone. You helpin em?

Cherri: No, haven't heard from him for awhile, you?

Angel: Not since helping me with meeting with them lizards.

Cherri: Really? How?

Angel: By telling the truth, and showing the charm on them.

Cherri: You mean he charmed them to-

Angel: Not to have sex with, but to scare them enough on how we could fuck them up if they tried to cross us.

Cherri: Huh. Starts walking to where she lives. Then what?

Angel: Val showed, but the little wolf seemed to have this sixth sense, cause he knew where he was coming from before I did.

Cherri: Now that is weird, yet handy.

Angel: Yeah, but when I looked away for a second, he fuckin pulled a batman on me and dissapered.

Cherri: Are you disappointed?

Angel: No, but him helping me make the deal made it much more easy, plus, gave Val a chance to ease up on me.

Cherri then reached her home, she began to sit down on her couch.

Cherri: Why is it that the one hound in this crummy hole of hell, nice to people like us? Was he dropped as a pup or something?

Angel: I don't know Sugar...well, he did say he cares alot those he calls a friend.

Cherri: Oh? You mean he would risk his life for them.

Angel: Considering he was ready to fight in a cramped room with me on some Lizard brains, he would. He wasn't lying on that, not in his words or his eyes.

Cherri: Huh, considering how he was when he told us of his heist, he didn't seem to brag about it. But he enjoyed telling us.

Angel: Yeah. Oh, gotta go, they need me on stage. Bye Sugar tits.

Arséne Lupin of Hell. (Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss )Where stories live. Discover now