Waking Up At the Wrong Time

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This would be night over at Loona and Blitzo's apartment, one where Lupin had noticed it was a moderate home. Lupin found it more surprising to how clean the place was, he was expecting a mess, well, possibly a small one. Lupin then couldn't help but scan the whole apartment, seeing how it appears to be that of an ordinary place to live, the one that caught his eyes were the pictures on the wall to his left. Pictures of friends and Loona all hung up, along with those that had his face on them, but they were blacked out with markers of sorts.

Loona: Hey.

Lupin turns to Loona.

Loona: Want something to eat? We got something in the fridge you could warm up.

Lupin: Oh, no thanks, had a big eat that hasn't gone away just yet.

Loona shrugs and sits on the couch.

Loona: Wanna watch something?

Lupin: Um...sure. Got a favorite channel?

Loona: Nah, but I don't think any is good to watch at this time either, so you watch and I hear my music.

Lupin frowns at the thought, but he took the offer nonetheless.

About 10 minutes had passed and Loona was listening to her music, she had begun to fade away as the music was playing. But she began to feel some taps on her leg. When she regain some wake to see Lupin doing the tapping, she took off her ear/headphones.

Lupin: Whatcha listening to?

Loona then offers her device to Lupin for him to hear the song Loona was hearing. When Lupin started to hear what and who Loona was vibing out to, Loona noticed that the tv was playing something from the human world. Though old looking, it was of a human having a conversation with another human; she had no idea as to why this channel or program was possible here in hell.

Lupin: Hm, was never one for those heavy metal. More of a jazz and R&B typeuv dog. With a bit of-

Loona: How did you get this channel?

Lupin: Hm? Notices the TV. Oh, I'm doing this by phone. Since most of the recordings can be broadcast digitally, though I can carry a few at a time. Don't get me wrong, there are some shows here in Hell but I kinda like some of the works in the human world.

Loona: ...What is this then?

Lupin: 'Casablanca.' Say it's a masterpiece to the humans.

Loona: Any action?

Lupin: More of a drama of sorts.

Loona: Think for a moment. Alright, let's see it.

The two then watched "Casablanca", enjoying the story unfolding to them, a bar owner seeing his love again, only to find out a secret or two about her. Fighting off nazi by letting go of the ones they love, just as the main character does. Lupin watches with such admiration, he enjoyed the movie quite well.

Lupin: turns to Loona. What do you think?

Loona: ...It was okay.

Lupin could clearly see Loona's tail wag slowly, he smiles and checks the time.

Lupin: Hm...want to watch one more?

Loona: Something with action...mutters maybe some comedy.

Lupin: "Rumble in the Bronx."

Loona: Anything about it lovey dovey?

Lupin gives it an 'effy' hand gesture, Loona decided to take the chance and watches it.

After the movie.

Loona's tail was visibly wagging in excitement from it, before she could say anything, Lupin had fallen asleep, she didn't notice him sleeping so peacefully, but she did notice that Lupin was smiling sometime ago and still holds a faint smile from before. Loona then turned off the tv and was about to wake up Lupin, but she stopped herself when she got that fresh cut grass scent again. She was thinking over and over in her head what to do, but her mind was stuck on Lupin's scent. She got closer to Lupin to get more of the scent, for an odd reason the scent grew more and more curious to her; she smelled up to neck and chest, thinking that it's some sort of perfume or something similar. As she continues to sniff, she finds herself tired and begins to drift to sleep.

August 20th 20XX

Morning soon came, along with the new day. Lupin's mind begins to stir up. "Dammit, I fell asleep during the movie." Lupin thought, mentally tired and exhausted. "How long was I out? Shouldn't Loona shake me to leave, though a slap or punch would be her style." His thoughts began to wake the rest of his senses, starting to feel someone on his chest. He then smells Loona scent being so close to him, he then put two and two together and felt his heart skip a beat. "Oh boy, I should do something before something or someone gets the wrong impression."

It was then that Lupin felt a fierce intent facing him and aimed right at him. When Lupin opens his eyes, he sees Blitzo aiming his gun right at Lupin's face.

Lupin: ...Hi Blitzo.

Blitzo: Hey dead hound.

Lupin: Now, I know what this may look like, but-

Blitzo: No 'buts'. I know what you're aiming after, you fucking horny dog.

Lupin: Flames of hell you really don't know me at all.

Blitzo: Well, I know fucking enough-

Lupin: That I wouldn't hurt your daughter?

Blitzo then sees that his stare is met with Lupin's determination.

Lupin: I may know little of the father-daughter history here, but I know I wouldn't make any move on Loona unless she asked or gave consent.

Blitzo then narrows his eyes.

Lupin: And you know I wouldn't want to jeopardize the trust I have with you or any of you. So please, believe me when I say this; me and Loona were watching movies, I had fallen asleep and Loona had decided to sleep on my chest. Nothing more, and nothing less.

1 Hour Later.

Loona woke up in her own room. "The fuck? How did I get here?" She thought with surprise on her face. She then gets out of her room after changing some clothes to find Blitzo sitting at the table.

Blitzo: Morning honey.

Loona: Blitzo? When did you get-She then notices that Lupin isn't around.

Blitzo: Looking for Lupin?

Loona: Shakes her head and looks to the side. Maybe...what did you do?

Blitzo: Me and him had a little...chat.

Meanwhile, close by at the complex.

Lupin: On the phone. Dude, I don't know how I can be any clearer, a protective dad shot the side of the bike and I just need some tools to puff out the scratch.


Lupin: Thank you, I'll pay for any I keep right?


Lupin: Okay, see ya soon.

Arséne Lupin of Hell. (Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss )Where stories live. Discover now