You Face The Pack

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(A/N: Realizing that the pervious ver. of this long as heck, so I've shorten it. After seeing the other part being so over 20 min limit. Thought this would help shorten the time. And...give it a little something)

Later At the Far East of Pentagram City

In an old factory that has been forgotten from long ago, there were sounds of terrified sinners and demons being in captivity, like animals in cages. And it didn't matter who was in there, men, women, or children. There were about over a hundred to two hundred of them being squished with one another, many trying to find ways to escape. But they were meant with capture and cruel fates worse than death by their captors. There they lie, in a darkened room with lights flickering, with a smell so foul that everyone had to suffer by smelling it. Many of them fear of not seeing the light of day, even worse, many believe that there is no hope for them. It became a fact when the door to the room creakily opened, with a sinner holding a gun and pointing at the room.

Grunt: Okay, Boss wants 25 more of you to the crusher. He doesn't care which will go.

As many had curled up to not be taken, some didn't move for not knowing what to do. But then, only two; a sinner and a hellhound stood up and began to walk to the door.

Grunt: Aw, the two newcomers, eager to die that quickly?

The two didn't say anything, this of course made the grunt frown upon the two. So, to get a reaction out of them, the grunt had hit the sinner's side. The sinner silently groans but holds his side to where the grunt had hit.

Grunt: Still think you're a tough guy, now? Turns to the hellhound. And you? Got nothing to say?

Hellhound: Just show us where to go, your boss may get tired of waiting with you playing around.

The grunt had punched the hellhound in the face but had not fallen back from the strike. The hellhound's nose started to show blood, but the hellhound only looked forward to the grunt.

The grunt was about to strike again.

Grunt#2: Oi, knock it off. Garbage Man wants 25, let these two get in the damn machine.

The grunt then subsided his strike and let the two pass him, but they had to wait for 23 other sinners and hellhounds to add in. Moments felt like sheer hours for those who tried to plan their escape, but they couldn't with fear latch onto them. It was then that they all see a machine meant for compacting from large vehicles to a size of a cube for footrest. All of them got to enter, hearing their footsteps from metallic flooring and the panic within their breath or words that spill from their mouths. When they all entered in, the entrance inside the machine was closed shut, many of the sinners and demons then began to panic and pound at the door to be led out.

???(On the PA): Okayokay, you all must be wondering what in hell's name are you doing here? Why is this happening to me? Blah. Blahblah. Let me put it shortly, I was hired by the various enemies and those who would love to get rid of you. I didn't ask why; they pay me big bucks for it. Ahem. Now, I should ask if any of you have any last words, but we all know that doesn't work like the movies so why don't we-

The PA was stopped because many of them were seeing two hands raised up within the crowd. The grunt at the controls was close to activating the machine, but he then sees a mic dropping down into the machine for the two captives to speak.

Captive Sinner: This thing-Mic feedback. Wow, okay. So, hi. Not gonna make this as a point to where I am trying to buy some time for a last minute rescue. Instead this is going to be why I'm here.

Many of the grunts that were hearing this looked confused and thought of this as a joke.

C.S.: I work for a hellhound.

Arséne Lupin of Hell. (Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss )Where stories live. Discover now