The Heir of Liberty Part 2

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Feb 30th 20XX

"New York, New York, so nice they named it twice." is what went through Lupin's mind at the airport. So crowded in the day, hearing the various and constant chatter around him by the hundreds of thousands of human beings. Being a hellhound has its advantages and disadvantages, one advantage being having a heightened sense of smell, in the disadvantage column-- smelling every other human being who either had or hadn't showered, or put on too much cologne, or had too much to drink at the airport bar.

Lupin had to endure these smells as he and Moxxie were making their way to their new hideout. Along the way there, through the busy streets and tall towering skyscrapers that would seem to be touching the heavens, Lupin was amazed at the sights. Moxxie was not so impressed because he did not want to stay out in the open for so long. As the day turned to dusk, the two made it to the hideout, an abandoned bar under a bridge that was once a speakeasy for construction workers. It started back in the 1800s, it was once known for being a place where one can retire and gather back some joy into their lives, but was left behind in the 1920s and became a speakeasy on occasion with mafia lieutenants.

It was later left and forgotten and was up for grabs to anyone who wanted it as their own. In this case, rented by Lupin's alias: Paul Sernine.

When they got to the hideout, they saw how old it was. The place was made of stone, from the ground to the ceiling. The place was wide, big enough to hold about thirty people. The bar is close to being in the center of attention and of the room. There are some tables and chairs left behind, the stools were also left behind. Old webs from dead spiders from long ago, some may still be living if they were not dealt with sooner or later.

Moxxie: This guy would have cleaned up the place when you bought it.

Lupin: I only paid for the electric, along with the old fashioned way of getting some internet down here.

Lupin had pulled out his laptop that he pulled out of his pack, true enough, there was internet, wired internet. The speakeasy was underground and virtually a stone fortress, wifi or cell phone signals weren't getting in or out of there. He began to type as he laid out aged letter papers, the same one that Moxxie once saw back in Italy from that tourist house.

Moxxie: What's so special about those letters?

Lupin: well do you know human history?

Moxxie tilts his head in confusion.

Lupin: Along the way over here, I was looking into Lady Liberty. The statue we saw when we were on the plane.

Moxxie: Okay, but what does this have to do with the letters?

Lupin: Let me explain what the humans called 'The French Revolution' was mostly about.

Moxxie: ...okay, shoot.

Lupin explained the high school version of the revolution.

Moxxie: So, the humans defied their monarchy system and got themselves to be more than having a king and/or queen in charge.

Lupin: Correct.

Moxxie: Okay, what does this have to do with-

Lupin: The noble's wealth.

Moxxie: Pauses for a moment. Didn't they just give it back to the people?

Lupin: Apparently not all of them. According to the letters.

Moxxie: He tries to make a connection, but is unable to make it.

Lupin: They're written in french and a mixture of german.

Arséne Lupin of Hell. (Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss )Where stories live. Discover now