The radio host

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You woke up to the sound of your alarm clock blaring and groggily smacked around for a minute before landing on the "Off" button. You rub your (e/c) eyes and slowly sit up before yawning. Today is an important day after all! You had a job interview for your dream job and you couldn't afford to be late. You hopped out of bed before throwing on a sophisticated yet comfortable outfit. You walked to the bathroom and brushed your teeth simultaneously combing your unruly (h/c) hair. You threw on some shoes and happily walked out.

The day was nice. A bright blue sky livened up the streets of New Orleans. The overlapping smells of many diners advertising several different assortments of breakfast food and coffee. You took in the smell happily. You've lived in new Orleans most of your life and you never got tired of it. It was such a lively city. You continued walking until you got to your final destination. The Radio Shack. You took a deep breath and walked in nervously.
"Hello there!" A sweet-looking middle-aged woman sitting at the front desk said to you. She was wearing a name tag that said Barbara.

"Are you here for the interview?" You nodded. The woman smiled at you and pulled out a sheet of paper.

"Your name doll?"

"Y/N" you replied.

"Y/N, why what a lovely name!" She exclaimed before consulting her clipboard and checking something off. You smiled, rarely ever receiving compliments on your name. "Right through that doorway doll. Mr. Alastor will call you in when it's your turn," she said while pointing to the doorway with her pen. You walked into the room and looked around. Several other people were in there waiting. Unsurprisingly, they were all mainly women. The radio host was popular with the ladies and many of them would give their right arm to be able to work with him. You'd never seen him in person, though, you did have to admit, his voice over the radio was certainly appealing. Lively and soothing to the ears. You sat down and waited patiently. The door to the interview room opened and a woman stepped out, smirking,

"Oh, he loved me! He was smiling the whole time!" she grinned.

"I'm definitely getting this job." several others grumbled and the woman flounced out. The door opened again and there he was. Alastor himself. You could see some of the women swoon and you looked him up and down taking in his appearance. He was a tall, slender man, with neat slightly poofy medium-brown hair. He had chestnut-colored eyes which had a hue of red, unlike anything you'd seen before, and light brown skin. He wore black-rimmed specs and a smile. He was wearing a white long-sleeved dress shirt with a tan vest over it. He had dark brown pants and shiny black wingtip shoes which complimented the bowtie he was wearing around his neck. On his hands were wrist-length gloves. He was.. incredibly handsome. You felt a slight rush of heat in your cheeks before quickly shaking your head. He was looking at a piece of paper.

"Next up issss... Y/N?" He looks up

"Is there a Y/N?"  You gulped and slowly raised your hand. "

Thats me sir!" He grinned looking you up and down.

"Splendid! Right this way please!" he said, while holding the interview room door open for you. You gingerly got to your feet and walked through the door. He followed, shutting the door behind you both.

We meet again~ (Alastor x Fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now