24.A letter

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Mew's pov

Its been two weeks since gulf went to Traipipattanapong. And I miss him.
I miss how he used to wait for me for dinner...
I miss how he used to give me shy smile whenever I called him as "queen"
I miss seeing him first in the morning
I miss seeing his face before sleeping
I miss our time...mine and his
And most of all I miss him...I miss him alot.

But I've decided that I'll give him some time.
Bright already told me everything what happend and what they were doing that time and I am so ashamed of myself for what ever I did to him.
I can't erase the guilt from my heart.

In these two weeks I understand gulf's value in my life. I never care about him anymore.

In the time when I was in Traipipattanapong kingdom as guard that time also I care for him but as his guard out of duty.

At time of our marriage also what ever I think was just getting married so that I can take over my kingdom.

When he said that he loves me that time also whatever I think was about me that how I am going get out of this.

I never think about him. Never care about his feelings I always think about myself.

I am so ashamed of myself. And this guilt is killing me inside.

These two weeks was hell for me.

"My king, king mother is asking for you" my thoughts get disturb when a guard said from outside of my chamber.

"Tell I'll be there in sometime" I says and get up from bed to wear my coat so that I can go.

When I open the cobout and pulled out a coat and because of me being out of mind my hand stuck in something and a file of paper fall down sighing at my stupidity I pick the file and about to take it back when something caught my attention.

Its like a envelope.

I get it in my hand and scanned it

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I get it in my hand and scanned it. What is this?? And who put it here?? In all this thought i open it.

"Dear mew"
I read the first two words and I instantly got the answer of my question. Its gulf.

Dear mew,

I don't know when you'll get this but I hope you got it soon.
Mew its been month since we got married. I know we are not like normal married couple but still I am happy with you. I hope you are too.

Mew I already told you that I like you no actually I LOVE YOU but I wanted to tell you how its started.

I don't know when it's start or how its start but i know one thing that I always wanted to be wherever you are. I wanted to be surrounded by you. I wanted you to be by my side always that's why I ask dad to put you in my guards. Hehe!!

You know what I still remember when I first time saw you. I was very young when dad bought you to our kingdom and that time my mom told me that I needed to befriend with you so I always approach you but you being you never paid attention to me.

Then with time my struggle for befriend with you started converted into something which I never know what is it until I listen my mom saying something to someone.

Do you know what she said??
She said "love is not always like written book where there are heart vibrations or eye contact. sometimes love is the unknown feeling. We don't know why we feel something like this towards someone we just feel it. Sometimes we don't know if its love or not but then that time we just need to let our heart rule over our brain. We just need to let our heart think rather than our brain" and that time I let my heart rule over my brain and got the name for my unknown feelings towards you.

From that day till now I am so in love with you and I'll always be. I know you don't have feeling for me but I'll wait for you...even if its take my whole life.

Your gulf.

I closed the letter and throw my head in headboard and closed my eyes. I kind of feel nostalgic.

"We just need to let our heart rule over brain"
I open my eyes wide and reality hit me.

Getting up from bed I hurriedly went out of my chamber and run outside.

"Mew mew where are you going I ask you to come to right??" My mom stop me in midway and ask.

"Mom I'll tell you later for now I need to go" I says.

"But where are you going" she ask

"I am going to....Traipipattanapong"

Hello ppls hope you enjoy!!

Btw dyk before start writing this story I've decided that it will be short story of about 15-20 chapters as its my first time writing but here we are at 24th chapter but the story is not even half yet😂😂😂😂
Anyways you guys enjoy will meet you soon!!

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