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Gulf's pov

It was dark when we reached in Jongcheveevat kingdom. We step out of carriage as we reached to palace.
When we reached to the main gate of palace my eyes widened. I saw a long way with rose petals. Am so surprised as my mouth formed a O M G and i heard a chuckle looking at the direction of voice i saw mew queen thanya and everyone is smiling at me for my reaction.

"Don't be so shocked the surprise is yet to come" queen thanya says and I Look at them in confused.

When started walking on that rose petals carpet i saw that this not just for entrances but this carpet it leading somewhere following it i saw it ended out side of a chamber.
"Mew Gulf we leave you here.tomorrow we will meet kingdom peoples. Rest for now as it was a hectic day for you both. Have a good night" queen thanya said with a smile.

Smile at her i say "you too rest well naa good night"
And bow at her.

"Good night mom" mew said as he hug her.
Ohh i missed my parents. It must be first time am going to sleep without there good night. I sigh with the thought. At the same time i feel tap on my shoulder. Look at it i saw it was mew "yes??" I asked.
"Let's go inside they already left" he said and i narrowed my eyes and see its just me and him here.
Nodding at him we move to go inside the chamber.
guards open the door for us and closed it right away.

"OHH MYY GODD"When i step in my eyes again widened and this time my i say the words loud out.
The rose pateles carpet is continuing and end at bed. And not only this but the border of carpet have candles. And not only this but on bed their are rose pateles also and a heart shaped with rose pateles.

When i look at mew i saw him looking at me with a soft smile on his face.seeing him looking at me makes me smile also.

"This is mom's idea. She wants to give you a best welcome. Do you like this?" He asked when he saw am also looking at him.

"Are you kidding me i love it" he chuckled after hearing me. The whole room is decorated by rose pateles. Am so amazed by it.

"Come on let's get fresh and sleep". He says and i nodded.

I came out after bathing and saw mew is already sleeping. I lay down besides him. Getting on my elbow supporting my head i look at him. He is really very handsome. I can't believe I married to this man. And he is my husband now. MY HUSBAND. I blushed with the thought.

Looking at him am having that strong desire to touch him but am afraid he will get up.
Brushing my thoughts away I lay back again. And started thinking what to do. Should touch him or just sleep.

But he my husband and whats wrong in touching my own husband.

But what if he don't like it. Because he didn't talk about our relationship. I mean we are married but what about our feelings??Did he also feel same for me?? Or its just me??

Sighing at my thoughts I decided to just sleep and closed my eyes just to open it again and look at mew. Bringing my hand close to his face I touch him. Feel his skin and whisper 'good night mew'
I lay back in bed and close my eye. I put my hand on my chest.My heart beat is fast. I smile at my stupidity. And get back to sleep.

Hello people...
Long time no seen...
Ohh it was just one day lol🤪😂
Anyways enjoy!!!

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