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now playing: take me to the sun - d4vd
saturday flew by as you spent the day with all of your girlfriends just hopping around town and hanging out. by the end of the day, you had come home with about 7 shopping bags.

finally, sunday had arrived.

you did create plans for the day, as you didn't just want to sit around the house and wait. you arranged lunch and a walk in the botanical gardens with your dads since you hadn't spent time with them in a while. you felt bad. plus, you had all been swamped with things to get done, so this was a breather for all of you.

you rolled over and checked your alarm, 11:57. your reservations were at 1:20, so that was plenty of time for you to get ready, you weren't so sure about your dads, since they loved the process of getting ready.

you hopped up and walked over to your bathroom, which was connected to your room. your room and house was fairly big, since your parents had well paying jobs like tolkien's parents. tolkien only lived two houses away from you, in fact. south park was like one big neighborhood.

you ran the shower and picked an outfit to change into for the day. it was sunny and warm out, for the first time in forever, so you chose a big t-shirt with some black shorts and paired it with your nike blazers. you picked out some matching necklaces and a couple of stackable rings to wear.

you set the outfit on your bed and hopped in the shower.

you were one of those people who went crazy when it came to shower products. you basically had the entire bath & body works store sitting in your bathroom. multiple body scrubs and shower gels were stacked in a huge caddy on the wall of your shower, high brand face washes and hair masks were next to the scrubs, and you had your shaving razors hanging neatly from the razor hook attached to the caddy.

you quickly washed your hair and picked out a vanilla-coconut scented body wash and scrubbed your body.

shutting off the shower, you dried off and threw your hair into a towel to dampen before you styled it.

once you were changed, you did a time check. 12:06.

you let your hair down from the towel and shook it out, letting your now damp hair fall in front of your face. you opened your lower drawer and fished out some heat protectant spray. you wanted to try out the new hair waver that heidi had gotten for your birthday a while back.
halfway into your hair, your phone started ringing. your group chat with bebe, wendy, nichole, and heidi was calling you for a group facetime. you quickly pressed accept as you let the next section of your hair down.

"whats up?" you chirped, placing your hair in between the waver. the girls all greeted you and let you into the conversation.

"finally using the gift i got you, huh?" heidi teased, also doing her own hair. you smiled and nodded.

"it looks good so far! when it falls, it'll give you a beach wave look!"

"what's everyone doing today? i'm bored." nichole asked, looking into a mirror off screen and applying her mascara. bebe flopped onto her bed, taking her phone with her.

"literally nothing. come over."

wendy flipped the camera to show stan playing with wendy's dog in the corner of her room.

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