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now playing: uptown girl - billy joel
"study AND dinner??" bebe exclaimed as the two of you very slowly made your way to cheer practice as to try and arrive late and avoid even just 5 minutes of conditioning. you had just finished telling bebe what you and kyle had planned for the weekend and she absolutely lost her mind.

"yeah, i thought it'd be a nice way to repay him for thinking of helping me!" you beamed, putting a little pep in your step.

bebe patted your shoulder. everytime she tried to help kyle impress you, you seemed oblivious. she wished she could tell you straight up that kyle wanted a chance with you, but knowing kyle, he'd unleash his jersey rage on her.

"y/n, you are seriously one of the purest people i've ever met." bebe sighed, giving you a little side hug, which you returned.

"i just try to be nice! it's easy when the person i'm talking to isn't eric cartman." you spat eric's name out like it was poison, readjusting the straps of your heavy backpack. bebe laughed, showing off her pearly whites.

"i would've thought craig might have taken some of that purity from you..." bebe started. you shot her a glare, making her shut her mouth.

your relationship with craig wasn't bad at all, just a little rocky. he had his moments when he didn't seem to care about anything or anyone, and it kinda threw you off, but you also had your moments of jealousy when girls would check him out here and there.

you girls made a new and improved list once you reached 8th grade because bebe wanted your input, since you joined the list making committee after jenny simons moved away, taking her spot as a higher up next to bebe. craig had been number 1 instead of clyde.

some girls were still living by that list, apparently.

you rolled your eyes, "you are so dirty minded, bebe stevens."

bebe made a sort of "meh" sound, and spun around so she was walking backwards, still keeping pace with you. 

"i mean, ever since craig, you've totally closed yourself off from boys. it's been 2 years!" bebe dramatically whined, clinging to your arm. you thinned your lips. it had been a while since you were talking to someone. you kind of missed the giddy, in-love feeling.

"i know, but breaking up with craig kind of brought me down. it wasn't terrible, but it didn't feel good either, y'know?"

bebe smirked. "i know someone who would treat you right."

"oh yeah? who?"

"if you would pay any attention to the hints he's been throwing at you since the 5th grade, you'd have chosen to date him instead of craig."

you blinked. "what? oh, come on, i can take hints! maybe he's not throwing them hard enough."

so it was someone you've known since 5th grade? that could literally be anyone.

bebe took a swig of her energy drink she carried in her red water bottle, giving you a you're joking look. you just blinked at her before you two bursted out laughing.

"no but seriously, y/n. almost every boy in our class has had a crush on you. hell, kenny made it real obvious last year, and he still flirts with you!and don't even get me started on butters..."

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