The Vulture (part 2)

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"Take the shot, sergeant" Holt said.

"I just need a second".

"You've had 18 minutes of seconds" he replied.

A phone started to ring, and it was Gina's.

"Gina's authentic stolen police badges. How can I help?"

"Hey, it's Peralta" Jake said, from the phone.

"Oh, hey, Jake".

"Hey, do you carry a hair dryer in your purse?"

"Of course. I'm not an animal".

"Great. I need you to bring it to the Vulture's apartment".

"There's someone named 'The Vulture'? Tell Rosa. She'd be into that".

Then Holt stole Gina's phone from her hand.

"Peralta, why are you asking Gina about detective Pembroke?".

"Oh, captain, hello. Uh, we are preparing him
a gift basket of sorts".

"Look, I understand that you're upset. But if you want to keep this from happening again, I suggest that you pull your team together and solve these cases before major crimes can step in. Am I clear?".

"Yes, sir. That is definitely clear. Thank you, sir" he hang up.

"You should be frowning. Why is Jake smi--
why are you smiling?" Amy commented.

"I don't like it when he smiles" Y/n said, looking at Charles, leaning on him. He just nodded and stroked her head.

"The captain just gave us the perfect revenge plan. We team up and solve this case right now! Y/n, you're with me" Jake announced.

"Of course" Y/n scoffed and hid a smile.

"That is not what Holt meant" Amy interrupted him.

"Think about it, Amy. Find the murder weapon,
and out-vulture The Vulture! No one gets in trouble if we crack the case" Jake explained.

"Okay, screw it. I'm in" Amy gave up.

"Are you all in?" Jake asked.

"Yeah" everyone groaned.

"I'm not sober enough to think about the consequences that could happen" Y/n added.

"Yes! that's right!
All right.
We're angry.
We're getting revenge.
We're a little bit tipsy.
We should not be driving.
We're taking the bus" Jake started walking.

"I love the bus!" Boyle said happily, directing Y/n by hand.

Everyone sat on the bus, with funeral faces and without a shred of thought behind those eyes.

"So the waitress heard the couple arguing at dinner. Apparently he was having an affair, and it was not the first time.
Two years ago, she caught him with a dog walker who was walking his dog, if you know what I mean" Jake began explaining the details of the case to Y/n and Amy.

"I do" Amy commented.


Y/n started laughing hysterically.

"I got it" Amy said to Jake, resting Y/n's head on her shoulder and taking her hand.

"Sex times".

"Mm-hmm" Amy nodded.

"Anyways, we know it's the wife".

"You're real talkative now that you want our help" Amy sassed.

"All right, it is possible that I should've brought
you guys in sooner. But I just get so excited, wrapped up in wanting to solve stuff, you know?"

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