41- A choice

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Kaminari pov~

I was floating.

No I was falling.

But I was still.

Is this heaven?

Or hell?

Or whatever afterlife there was?

Is this death?

But nothing happens.

What was this dreamlike state i was in?

Had I zoned out in class again? I bet that's it.

Any minute now I'll hear Aizawa senseis voice scolding me, I'll get scared shitless, act like everything a joke and take the sniggers and side comments I will be able to hear my class mates making.

But nothing happens.

I'll come back to my senses soon, I'll avoid the inevitable talk with Keigo for today, sleep and wake up tomorrow.

I wont be able to go to school for a while yet, but that's all cool. I'll find other things to do.

Just give in a few more minutes and I'll be back.

But nothing happens.

A sharp pain appears on my arms.


I must have cut myself then zoned out, gotcha.

But it keeps growing?

Why is it still growing?

The pain radiates along both my arms, before I truly feel it.

The pain in my chest.

I scream out loud, the sound resonating in my dreamlike skull as I cry in pain.

I really went overboard this time.

God I can't even hurt myself correctly!








I'm not conscious am I?



I went way too overboard.

I could die.

Keigo will think I committed suicide.

But I didn't, I haven't, this was an accident.


I promised Issac that I would stay alive for him!

I can't die. Not like this. Not yet.

I want to scream to shout to yell in my mortal body, to let the world know that I'm still here and that I can't die.

But nothing happens.

I can feel the coldness of death slowly creeping its way up my legs and that's when the fear truly blossoms inside me.

"I don't care what it takes!" I yell at my imminent death, a result of yet another stupid impulsive action I made, "I will fight to survive! I won't let you win!" I scream and unleash my quirk to its full power, the world I'm in turning a pure white as I'm blinded by the light.

 I can feel the power within me, that restless power that I kept capped for so long rising up the surface. Instead of pushing it down, I embrace it, letting the lightning that runs through my veins to fight this battle.

Death screeches and tosses its head up, writhing in pain but I don't stop and its blasted back and I see a blue image.

My power dies down slightly and returns to a much more calming warmth inside me.

I float over to the blue and cock me head, recognising the image that is created as my room at Keigos apartment. It pulses a warmth, a similar warmth to that of the quirk in my veins.

My quirk is the one thing that has always been there, despite everything I've been through, despite every shitty home, every shitty person I've encountered, my quirks always been there.

It started out as a curse though, its my quirk that lead to how my life is now, without it Touka and gran would still be alive. Who knows, I might have still gone to UA and still managed to live a normal, carefree life. I would have lived without this fear of people and my own mind, I would have been truly happy.

So this image is bad.

But my quirks kept me safe so many times, its gotten me out of so many bad situations. And if it hadn't developed that day, it might have never developed, and then I'd never have gone to UA. I wouldn't know Hitoshi or Todoroki or Aizawa sensei or Dabi or Keigo. Everything happens for a reason right? And if its my quirk that can save me. Then this place that shares the same energy can.

Keigos apartment can protect me.

So this image is good.

Regardless I reach out and touch the image. It ripples underneath my fingers and pulses a friendly greeting to me, banishing any doubts I had.

I smile softly, because I know.

I know that I've finally found a home.

The truth of it all- Denki Kaminari AngstWhere stories live. Discover now