13- Getting involved

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Shinsou pov~

A buzz from my hoodie pocket woke me up. 

I've always been a light sleeper due to my insomnia so a message coming through on my phone was enough for my brain to awaken.

I was about to groan but then remembered where i was and looked down, being greeted with fluffy yellow hair snuggling on my chest and spilling over my lap. Jeez Kami is really like a cat sometimes.

I quietly sighed, not wishing to wake the sleeping boy and managed to pry my phone from my pocket without moving too much. It was a text from dad.


D- hey Hitoshi, you still with Kaminari?

I quickly fired back a response.

H- yeah why

D- just wanted to check up on him

D- did anything happen?

H- well...

I put my phone down for a minute, debating whether or not I should tell him. Kami needed the help and support, but did he want it? And would he hate me for doing it? Their friendship was so strong to the point where I wished it was something more...

My decision making was interrupted as I got a video call request from dad, which I answered.

From the looks of things, he was back in the staff room, on yet another sofa with his sleeping bag pulled over his head. yet despite his lazy appearance, his eyes and face were serious.


"Jeez, hello love you too dad." I mocked, pulling a small glare,

"Hitoshi Shinsou-"  his voice was raising so I cut him off

"Shhhhhhhh! You'll wake him!"

"Him? Wait are you in Kaminari's dorm? And why are you sat on the floor...?" he puzzled, so I quickly flipped the camera around and showed Kami's sleeping form ontop of me, making my dad chuckle slightly, "wow, just like Storm hey?"  Storm was a tortoiseshell cat we had found as a kitten and adopted two years ago,

"Yeah I guess."

"Are you going to tell me why he is asleep on you on the floor and what your highly cryptic message meant?" he quietly demanded,

"Don't think it was that cryptic..." I mumbled

"Quit stalling for time, did anything happen."

"Well Kami was having a panic attack when I arrived at his dorm." This made dads eyes widen so I quickly finished before he could speek, "But I calmed him down using the techniques you taught me and he fell asleep."

"I see... anything else?"

"Urmm... apart from the two of us cackling like hyenas and nearly making Bakugou blow up the dorms telling us to be quiet, nope nothing else happened." I gave a sarcastic smile, making my dad arch an eyebrow,

"No loud blonds Hitoshi." he warned, making me huff,

"Your one to talk! And besides its not like that!" I hissed a little bit too loudly. 

Suddenly a wave of pain washed over me and the phone went flying. However the pain quickly disappeared and I found a very fearful and distraught Kaminari staring up at me from his position on the floor a few meters away. Wait, how'd he manage to get so far away so quickly...?

"Holy shit Shinsou!! I'm sososososososososososososo sorry! I didn't mean to shock you! Are you hurt? Are you ok? Ah fuck, I'm so sorry Shin!" he started rambling at top notch speed, my brain only just being able to keep up. I quickly got up and walked over to him as he continued to apologize, 

"Hey hey hey hey! Kami!" I said, but he either couldn't hear me or it didn't process through his brain as he continued to talk, "Denki!" I spoke harshly, immediately regretting it once I saw his eyes light up in fear, but at leas the stopped talking, "It's ok! I know you didn't mean to." I paused, noting how he still looked afraid, "What even made you do it?" I cautiously asked, making Kami look down at the floor,

"You shouted." he whispered, closing his eyes, whilst mine widened in shock and realization,

"Oh shit!! Your phonophobia! Sorry!" I hastily replied, making sure to not shout like I almost did, but Kami just looked up confused,

"How did you...?"

"Oh Aizawa sensei told me."

"Yeah he and Mic sensei are you dads." he spoke briefly, now it was my turn to be confused,

"How the hell did you...?" 

"It's dead obvious to me Shin, I'm quite good at observing and reading people."

"Yeah, I know you are. Now where'd my phone go?" I swiftly found it and picked it up, noticing that I was still on a call with dad, meaning that he had heard everything. He gave me a sad smile before ending the call, however I received a message soon after.


D- ill leave you too alone

D- tell me if something happens

H- k will do

D- just this once, you can sleep in his dorm

D- DO NOT make me regret this

H- love you dad 😘

D- hum yeah yeah, just dont do any funny business

Once I read that my face heated up and became bright red. Glad to know I'm trusted.

However it was the next message I received that both shocked and confused me.

Principle Nezu

N- hello Shinsou! Just to let you know that you are required to attend a meeting with the teachers at 9 am tomorrow in the staff room, don't worry we will be giving all the classes a study session as most of the staff members will be there so don't worry about your classes. See you bright and awake tomorrow morning. sleep well!

Staff meeting? 

Why the hell am I being told to come?

I scanned over the message multiple times but couldn't find a fault in the wording,

"Shin?" a tentative voice called from behind me. I quickly shoved my phone in my pocket, "Can we go back to sleep?" Kaminari asked, looking up at me with wide and adorable eyes making me smile,

"Of cause, but lets make sure we fall asleep on the actual bed this time ok?" This made him giggle and hide his face behind his arms, but I could have sworn I saw him blush.

Without any warning I decided to scoop him up in my arms and carry him over to his bed, making him screech and hold onto me for dear life, "Nooo Shin! I thought you were nice!" he managed to say between giggles,

"Who says I'm not?" I joked and dumped him on the bed, budging him over before lying down and facing him.

All of a sudden the fun atmosphere and giggles vanished as the room seemingly disappeared. I only had eyes for him.

I parted my lips as I stared deep into his eyes which lowered for a second before flicking back up.

A cute strawberry blush made its way over his freckled cheeks as he gave a soft smile.

We stared like that for hours, staring at each other, reading each other. 

Before cuddling up and eventually falling asleep. 

The truth of it all- Denki Kaminari AngstWhere stories live. Discover now