36- Flee

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Kaminari pov~

"For some peace and quiet mainly." Tokoyami stated, still looking at me with concern, so I looked away a stretch of uncomfortable silence washed over the both of us.

Suddenly a pit formed in my stomach.

Tell him.

Talk to him.

He'll see how screwed up you are.

This wasn't going to end well.

But fuck it honestly, I didn't really care at this point.

"Do you ever feel like your problems are too much for other people to deal with, but at the same time others problems are far greater than your own? And those two combined are what keep you quiet?" I murmured, not really paying attention to anything I was saying,

"Relationships are like glass, trying to fix them will only hurt you. You wouldn't want to handle glass after being cut once, so you leave it, yet your too injured to try again with something new. I learnt that the hard way, and I'm so stupid that I tried to not only fix them, but I tried to find new pieces." I put my head in my hand, refusing to even acknowledge Tokoyami as my thoughts swirled through my head, threatening to spill.

I was very much aware that my rambling probably made no sense, but I... I didn't care what Tokoyami thought or how he interpreted any of this.

"I've been tossed aside more times than I can count and at this point I've just given up. on that note, heres another fancy metaphor for you- when your drowning, you don't actually inhale right until your about to black out, your brain is fucking conditioned to not let any water in, until you can no longer survive without the oxygen, because in truth its the lack of oxygen that kills you not the water in your lungs. Everything else, everyone one else is the water. They push you down and slowly make it impossible for you to survive. When you do open your mouth, thats when they attack; when you do let your guard slip, thats when they hurt you."

I gave a shaky sigh and lay down on my back, looking up at the canopy of metal and plant. A single tear rolled down my cheek and my chest tightened as I bit my lip in order to stop myself from bursting into even more tears. Even as I continued speaking my voice began to break even further.

"Playing with glass and water is no easy feat, your constantly looking over your shoulder, just waiting for a tidal wave to sweep you off your feet, or or a mirror to appear and shatter in your face! It- its torture. Its worse than any physical damage that can be dealt. That fucking fear of your own mind. Wh-whats the bloody point with any of it? Whats the point in even trying anymore? I- just I- fuck." I sat back up and furiously wiped the tears off of my face,

"I'm sorry Tokoyami, I know this is not at all something you want to listen too, heck your only here because I'm invading your space." With that I stood up, still refusing to look my classmate in the face, "I'd better get back, Hawks will be looking for me."

I started to walk away but felt someone grab my wrist.


I yelped and spun around, clutching my wrist to my chest.


The cuts had just reopened.

Next thing I knew that same person had wrapped their arms around my body.

I froze.








The truth of it all- Denki Kaminari AngstWhere stories live. Discover now