14- Staff Meeting

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Shinsou pov~

The second I opened the door to the teachers lounge the next day, I was immediately greeted with my very loud father (Hizashi (Mic)) practically screaming at the top of his lungs,

"HITOSHI!!!! YOU CAME! WHY ARE YOU HERE??" He yelled, making me squint and blink several times in order to show my shock and to give my ears time to recover,

"Hi Pops, are ya gonna stop bursting my eardrums now?" I raised an eyebrow, making Mirko laugh,

"Geez Mic, only you and Erasure could raise a kid so sassy!"

"He was like this when we met him!" Pops mopped, "anyway, what you doing here little listener?" He asked. I quickly whipped out my phone and started reading Nezus message,

"from Nezu- hello Shinsou! Just to let you know that you are required to attend a meeting with the teachers at 9 am tomorrow in the staff room, don't worry we will be giving all the classes a study session as most of the staff members will be there so don't worry about your classes. See you bright and awake tomorrow morning. Sleep well!" I put my phone away in my back pocket as I stood there, waiting for someone to say something,

"Ah, so he did invite you after all." Dad said as he heaved himself into the room from behind me, and he was still in that bloody yellow sleeping bag, "Wasn't sure if he would after I told him everything that happened with..." he paused, looking at me as if asking for pemition to continue, however I discretely shook my head and Dad nodded, moving over to the kitchen, "Coffee?" he asked while I eagily looked at him,

"Shota!! Hes already had too much coffee today! Actually, so have you!" Pops jumped off his place on the sofa and threw his arms around me, almost making the both of us come crashing onto the floor. Luckily I was next to a wall so I grabbed onto that in order to stop myself from toppling over.

By now many of the teachers were watching the scene with suppressed grins, some even in their own silent laughing fits,

"Don't make me use my quirk on you." I growled, making Pops leap off me in an instant,

"I'm sorry Toshi!" he wailed, but before he could continue, Dad smacked him over the back of his head and handed me a warm cup of coffee which I eagerly slurped up.

The comfortable chatter was quickly broken the second Nezu arrived. The white mouse quickly scurried into the room at exactly 9 am and sat on his high chair, clearing his throat before speeking,

"Hello teachers! Hello Shinsou! Lets begin now that everyone's here shall we?" We all grunted and moved to the table, pulling out chairs and sitting down. I ended up being sandwiched between my fathers on Nezus left.

"Sir, am I ask why I am here if this is a staff meeting. Last time I checked, I'm a student." I started making Nezu nod,

"True, but this meeting will be split in two, one half with you about an important matter and the other half will be once you have returned to class."

"Ok so what is this 'oh so important matter' then?" Vlad mocked, clearly quite impatient.

"Glad you asked Vlad, its about one of erasures students. Denki Kaminari."

I had been unfortunate enough to have been drinking some water out of my bottle I had brought with me, and after Nezu finished that sentence I sprayed it all over the table before covering my mouth and just staring at Nezu in shock.

Everyone was silent for a few moments until a couple of the teachers burst into cackles.

To say I was mortified was an understatement as I quickly stood up and grabbed a towel to clean the water, all whilst hiding my ever reddening face,

"Oh my god- haha- you didnt- pffffft- Shinsou!" Midnight managed to say, not really making any sense but oh well.

Pops was howling with laughter and even Dad was trying his best to hide a smirk, "Alright alright alright, I'm sorry I just was not expecting that. Please continue Nezu." I hastily growled as I sat back down, having left the water bottle on the floor to avoid a repeat,

"I am sure it did Shinsou, but it is still an important matter, so please do refrain from drowning the staff room for your electric boyfriend."

If my face wasn't already red, now it was.

I whipped my head over to Dad for an explanation, who just shrugged, "He's the only one who you are close too and i know your gay so I don't know."

"Wow, thanks dad, what are you a matchmaker now?" I sarcastically asked,

"The sarcasm lives girls and boys." Hawks chuckled from his position at the opposite end of the table,

"Anyway. Erasure, yesterday you reported a few concerning things. Namely that Denki had two anxiety attacks and a panic attack. Now as I know you weren't there for the panic attack or one of the anxiety attacks that's why I brought Shinsou here. As I understand correctly you found him having a panic attack and calmed him down, but how did the anxiety attack happen?" Nezu questioned, all eyes going to me, god I hated all this attention,

"Urm... we were dozing the floor against the wall after he had had a panic attack, I didn't want to move him so I didn't. Urm... oh yeah, then Dad texted me asking how Denki was, I didn't really know how to answer so I kinda left it void? Dad then called me, and we kept our voices low to not disturb Denki, but I managed to get triggered by dads matchmaker comment and raised my voice to normal level rather than a whisper. Denki immediately woke up and zapped me, which hurt a lot. Urm... he then started backing away and profusely apologizing, he does that an awful lot, luckily I managed to calm him down and distract him before the attack went fully into a panic, and that's pretty much it." I finished my mini monologue,

"Ok well, due to this and his phonophobia and Hawks you said he is definitely hiding things?" Nezu questioned, making the no.2 pro hero nod,

"Yeah, he has a lot better control over his quirk than he lets on, I also have reasons to believe that it is also a lot more powerful than we all think. Ontop of that the kid clearly has a lot of combat experience that he doesn't let show. Then there is his tri-lingual speech, his phonophobia like you said, his wicked good hearing and his generally incredible street smarts and ability to read everything a room or person has to say. I wouldn't be surprised if he is also brilliant at persuading people." Hawks said, "I picked this up from the few times I have seen or interacted with Kaminari. although there is something else, something I can't quite put my finger on, something is going on with him. And the way he seemingly acted after having both panic and anxiety attacks suggested that this is not uncommon for him." He added.

"Alright, be sure to keep an eye on him hawks. You always have been the observant one out of all of us" Nezu ordered, turning to the rest of the faculty members, "and for all of you, if you see Kaminari particularly anxious or struggling, please help him, also excuse him from lessons at the slightest hint of an anxiety or panic attack and send Shinsou after him. Hopefully we will be able to get the the bottom of this."

With that all the staff nodded, and my part for the meeting was over.

The truth of it all- Denki Kaminari AngstWhere stories live. Discover now