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Kaminari pov~

I have absolutely no idea what the excuse Aizawa sensei came up with to tell my classmates why I missed half of yesterday. And Hawks said that I was not to go into school for the rest of the week.

Mina had texted me this morning as soon as I woke up, and I had been staring at my phone for the past 20 minutes trying to figure out how to respond.

-------ChargeBolt⚡, TeaQueen🍵, RockBoi🦈 are online-------

TeaQueen🍵- hey kami! where are you?? class starts in five minutes!!

RockBoi🦈- we cant wait bro

RockBoi🦈- hurry upppppp

-------BomDog💥, TapeMans🥓 are online-------


-------Bomdog💥 is offline-------

TapeMans🥓- what he means is that class has started

TeaQueen🍵- kaminari?!?!?! 

TeaQueen🍵- hellooooooo

RockBoi🦈- its not very manly to be nearly 20 mins late bro

TeaQueen🍵- are you aliveeee?????

How exactly was I meant to reply? 

What could I even reply with?

Screw it, I'll just wing it.

-------ChargeBolt⚡ is online-------


RockBoi🦈- where are you kamibro? class started nearly half an hour ago!

ChargeBolt⚡- im not coming into school today guys srry!

TapeMans🥓- ??? bro are you seriously ditching 

TeaQueen🍵- kaminari! *gasp*

ChargeBolt⚡- nononono 

ChargeBolt⚡- im not ditching sero!!!

RockBoi🦈- then why arent you coming in

ChargeBolt⚡- im training with hawks today! you can ask him!!

TapeMans🥓- bruh again?

 TeaQueen🍵- how much one to one is this mentor of your giving you? its bad to miss school!!

RockBoi🦈- shes right you know

ChargeBolt⚡- i know i know

ChargeBolt⚡- ive gtg srry!

-------ChargeBolt⚡ is offline-------

I quickly switched off my phone, chucking it across the sofa and giving a dramatic sigh, catching the attention of Hawks,

"Team troubles?" He asked, I turned my head to see him casually leaning with his back against the kitchen counter sipping a coffee. The pro had to take the week off in order to look after me, and I honestly felt awful about it. But it did mean I got to take a look at his wardrobe. Today he was sporting a brown checkered button up that was undone to show a white t shirt with the ua logo on it, he had paired them with dark blue jeans and grey socks. He was also showing off his red triangle earrings, a chain necklace, his black watch and wearing two rings, one of which I had learnt was his engagement ring.

I gave another sigh and stood up to retrieve my chucked phone, before sitting down facing Hawks with crossed legs, "yeah I guess you could say that, they believe I'm ditching school and didn't believe my excuse that I was training with you." The pro furrowed his eyebrows and came to sit besides me, 

"Can I see?" He asked, gesturing to my phone. I quickly nodded and handed it to him after unlocking it of cause. His frown only deepened as he read through the Baku Squads messages, "Dunce face?" he sarcastically asked, his eyes flicking to me for a second. I gave a fake laugh and scratched the back of my neck,

"Yeah, its the nickname Bakugou gave me, both that and pikachu which I prefer." Hawks nodded and handed me my phone,

"If you want I can talk to the-"

"NO!!" I bolted out of my seat and stood right infrount of him, "no no you can't its fine!" Hawks looked up at me with a hint of concern in his eyes,

"Kid the way they treat you isn't great to be honest" he started,

"It's fine honestly! I'm use to it Hawks!" I gave him a big smile but I could tell he wasn't convinced. The pro sighed and stood up,

"You shouldn't have to be use to any bad treatment. Anyway Imma go grab some stuff from the supermarket." With that he walked to the door, grabbing his keys from their spot on one of the many coat hangers mounted on the wall. He unlocked the door but paused to look at me, "if you need anything just call. Do you take any ADHD medicine or do you want me to get you any or...?" I shook my head and diverted my gaze to the floor as I heard Hawks open the door before pausing once again, 

"Oh and also Denki?" I looked up at him again, "call me Keigo." With that he smiled and walked out the door, closing it behind him with a soft click behind him.

Aizawa pov~

If I had a yen for the amount of times Mina had asked where Kaminari was today, I'd be a rich rich man.

As per "traumatized and difficult foster kids moving into new home" rules, Kaminari and Hawks couldn't go to work or school for at least five days, but I'd told them both to take the full week off plus extra, so they should both be back in 10 days on the Monday as it was currently a Thursday.

I sighed and stood up, ready to make an announcement to the class before their next lesson, "Alright you noisy bunch, just wanted to let you know that Kaminari isn't going to be in school for a while so stop asking where he is." Iida raised his hand and I nodded for him to speak,

"May I ask why sir?" he asked, pushing his glasses further up with his finger,

"He's with Hawks, the bird decided to take him to Yokohama to see some pros in action. No more questions, just get to your next class." I ignored their cries of protest and zipped up my sleeping bag, lying on the desk with my face to the chalkboard.

With the two hours I had to kill until lunch, I decided to think.

I was worried about Kaminari, I really was, but he's in good hands with Hawks.

Thinking of hawks, I felt awful seeing how crushed he was by our students breakdown, it was one of the first times I'd seen him seem truly lost and sad.

To be honest, while yes we all hated hawks happy go lucky attitude and his immature nature, I had to severely respect him. The 23 year old had deputed as a pro hero at 18, and had climbed the ranks astonishingly quickly, becoming one of the top ten the same year. He is incredibly skilled and smart. He was very street smart for his age and his ability to monitor a situation and take in all the tiniest of details in a heart beat still amazed me. 

Now that I think of it, no one really knows anything about hawks or his past, we don't even know his full name. We know his first name is Keigo but when we asked for his last name, he smoothly changed the subject, just like how he does when we ask about his past. Ontop of that, hes always the same ring on the wedding ring finger, he never takes it off and is constantly twisting it around. I mean its entirely possible that he is engaged, but surely he would have told us? But then again Hawks was extremely secretive.

The truth of it all- Denki Kaminari AngstWhere stories live. Discover now