26- Surprise!

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Kaminari pov~

Being alone was dangerous, especially for me. My thoughts could easily spiral downwards, leading me into a never ending black pit of self hate and doubt.

But Hawks had to leave me alone, wait he asked me to call him Keigo right...? Damn it! How do I keep on breaking those few simple rules he laid out for me?

Regardless Keigo had to leave me alone some times, he had to go out for food, for walks and just for little things. Multiple times he had offered to take me out, but I' always refused, saying that my classmates might see me, and its been three days since he took me in now. 

I don't know if he was aware of how numb I was becoming, and I honestly couldn't care. 

I shouldn't have let anyone find out.

I shouldn't have burdened all of the teachers and pro heroes, they had better things to do than waste their time and resources on me.

They should be out their saving people who need it.

Saving people who wanted to be saved.

I felt ghostly arms wrap themselves around my body, and something soft engulfed me, but I barely regestured it.

I did regesture the voice however.

"You're safe here."

Hawks pov~

I had come back from a date with Touya and had sensed that something was wrong the second I neared my apartment. I quickly flew up all of the staircases and landed outside my door, unlocking it and hurrying inside. I could hear panicked breathing nearby and looked around until I spotted Denki huddled against the wall in the corner of the living room, head bowed on his knees which had been brought up to his chest and his hands were tightly scrunched against his head. 

I practically ran over to him and wrapped my arms around his shaking frame, and I brought my wings around the both of us, almost acting as some sort of shield. 

I kept muttering soothing words into his ear, hoping to calm him down but nothing I said seemed to be working.

And that's when it hit me- safety.

Denki had never been safe when with others, and I highly doubt he would be safe by himself. So I uttered the words that I hoped would work,

"You're safe here."

Immediately I felt him jolt slightly, opening his eyes and lifting his head up slightly, so I took the moment to help calm him down even further.

"H-Hawk- Kiego?" Denki stuttered, in response I started opening my wings only to him to shoot a hand out and grab the end of one of my wings, I winced slightly at the sudden contact on my sensitive wings but brought them back around him regardless.

We stayed like that long enough for the both of us to drift of into an uneasy sleep.

Aizawa pov~

Hizashi, Hitoshi and i were all walking up the copious amount of stairs in Hawks apartment complex, it wasn't too different from ours, except for the fact we lived on the third floor and he seemed to live on like the twentieth. Well I guess he was practically a bird and they did prefer higher homes.

After Kaminaris apparent breakdown two days ago, we were all worried, but when Hawks had said that our student hadn't gotten any better since, we decided to just come over ourselves.

"Soooo whos gonna ring the bell?" Hitoshi asked, braking the silence as we finally arrived outside Hawks door. Hizashi tentatively rang the bell once and we all stood back to wait. After about a minute Hizashi spoke, 

"Maybe hes not in?" I sighed, 

"But Kaminari is definitely in and he is always stupidly quick to answer the door." I rang the bell once again and almost immediately heard hurried footsteps make their way over to the door before flinging it wide open to reveal a very disheveled and tired looking Hawks. He was wearing a simple white t-shirt with a brown checkered flannel over the top, what was it with him and flannels honestly. He was wearing simple blue baggy jeans, a few rings, necklaces, earrings, a watch ect. his wings were all puffed up and a few of the feathers were falling off as my family just stared at him,

"Sorry I was asleep," with this he put a hand infrount of his mouth to cover a yawn before shaking his head and looking at us with more alert eyes, "Wait- what are you guys doing here?" Hawks asked quizzically, his eyes narrowed slightly and he held the door open with one hand,

"Surprise visit to check up on the two of you." Hitoshi said sarcastically, clearly surprised to see the pro hero in something other that his costume. Hawks snorted,

"You got surprise right, come on in." With that he move to one side allowing us in.

None of the pro heroes had ever visited Hawks apartment, so to say I was entreged would be an understatement. I immediately noticed the open plan kitchen and living room, the kitchen being quite simple with an island and a few spinny chairs and the living room had one l-shaped sofa and two chairs with a coffee table in the middle and a crap ton of blankets and pillows absolutely every where. His apartment complex wasn't as wide or big as most of the others, but that was because the inhabitants got the whole floor rather than just half of it, such there was almost an entire wall of windows and glass, and those windows would no doubt open wide enough to allow Hawks to jump out of. overall this space wasn't very big, but it was clear that hawks had made the most of it, 

"Cozy." Hizashi commented while staring at the mass of blankets,

"Ya, do try and keep your voices down though." Hawks replied and before I could ask he pointed to the far right corner of the living room where curled up asleep, was Kaminari, "he had a panic attack earlier and when I managed to calm him down, he didn't want me to leave so we ended up just falling asleep. The only reason he hasn't woken up already is because this is the first proper sleep hes had since he got here." With that Hawks quietly walking over to him and picked up the sleeping student, before turning to us and tilting his head as a motion to follow him. 

A feather appeared infrount of him and opened a door near to where Kaminari had been sleeping and pushed it open, the door itself lead to a hall with several other doors, presumably all different rooms as they were labeled as such. As intreged as I was to snoop around the room behind a door labeled 'Keigos room' I resisted and looked at the next door labeled 'Denkis room' which Hawks had stopped infrount off. Hitoshi moved forward to open the door and we all moved through. 

Kaminaris room was painted in a simple pale blue, with a closet, double bed, table and chair, a few empty picture frames and Kaminaris two still very full bags at the base of his bed. Hawks went over and carefully lay Kaminari down on his bed and our student immediately curled up, still facing us,

"You didn't really give me much warning Erasure and this was the only spare room I have that is kitted out. I'm going to let him personalize it as much as he wants when he settles in." Hawks spoke softly before turning to look at us once more, "shall we go and chat on the sofas?" I nodded and walked out my students room, my mind already readying all of the questions I needed to ask.

The truth of it all- Denki Kaminari AngstWhere stories live. Discover now