38- Unfortunate discovery

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Dabi pov~

Keigo messaged me asking to come round, I had a weird feeling about it so I ditched the LOV meeting and snuck around the streets until I got to his apartment. He was sat cross-legged on the sofa facing away from me, and his wings were drooping. I closed the door quietly, and walked over to him, making sure my footsteps could be heard, before wrapping my arms around his torso and resting my head on his shoulder,

"Whats wrong baby bird?" I softly whispered, kissing his neck tenderly. He used his head to nuzzle mine before speaking,

"Denki had a freakout at UA and there were some arseholes talking shit about him not to far away. His face was heartbreaking, and hes just... not been the same on the way back here." My lover sighed and released his feathers so I could properly hug him from behind.

We stayed like that for god knows how long, and despite the slightly melancholy reasoning behind it, this was perfect.

Hawks pov~

A harsh metallic tang entered my nose and I immediately sat up straight, bringing my feathers back and sharpening all of them. This act surprised Touya and he had to jump back to avoid getting stabbed, but in that instant that wasn't my first priority,

"Whoa whoa what the hell was that for?!" He exclaimed, sounding both concerned and pissed off, but I didn't answer him, so he got up and moved to crouch down in front of me. My eyes were wide and the scent was growing with every second; whatever this was, it wasn't good. I attempted to stand up, but Touyas strong arms pushed me back down,

"Whats wrong Kei? You ok?" He reached out an arm and caressed my cheek in an attempt to calm me down, I could only image how much panic and shock was visible on my face right now.

"Blood" I whispered, loud enough that he heard and that was enough to make him go slightly rigid, "I can smell lots of blood nearby." I spoke louder and grabbed the hand on my cheek, pulling it away as I stood up, but I held onto his hand for that grounding calming effect I so desperately needed in a moment like this.

I breathed in and snapped my gaze over to the door leading to the rest of my apartment, worry quickly growing. I barely regestured Touya standing up before I closed my eyes and once again sniffed the air, the black view behind my eyes becoming coloured with wisps of different scents, but I was just focusing on one- a thin red stream that was getting larger by the second. I fluttered open my eyes and speed walked to the corridor door, no longer feeling Touyas hand, but I knew he was close anyway. 

I didn't clock which room the scent lead me too, but I hastily pushed open the door, only to be greeted with nothing.

Nobody was there.

And there most certainly wasn't any blood. 

My heart was beating so loud that it was the only thing I could hear.

My feet moved on their own, my fear growing and I came closer and closer to the adjacent bathroom.

The door was half way open.

I was almost getting dizzy from the overwhelming scent of blood.

I had to know what was the cause and if someone needed help, or if I needed to run.

So I pushed the door open.

I froze.

Todoroki pov~

Something had happened, both Aizawa sensei and Tokoyami weren't quite their usual selves. However I didn't particularly want to ask Tokoyami and I most certainly didn't want to talk to Aizawa senseis... that was until he came up to me,

"Kid your sisters in the teachers lounge, she want to talk to you. I need something from there anyway so I'll join." He stated, not leaving much room for me to argue, and before I knew it we were making our way through the corridors in a somewhat awkward silence.

"Do you know much about Kaminari?" My homeroom teacher asked out of the blue, I looked over my right shoulder at him, slightly confused.

I never let anyone walk on my left side, whenever possible I try to make sure they are on my right, that way I don't have them staring at my scar, and I can more easily attack them with my ice if necessary,

"He is my classmate so I know a bit about him, I can most certainly say he isn't quite what he presents himself as." Aizawa sensei gave a knowing nod,

"So you have noticed, I'm not really surprised considering how you over analyse everyone, but do continue." I hesitated, unsure of whether I should tell him, my teacher could ask me how I could tell, and that's a conversation I didn't want to have, but... no, Kaminari needed help, I couldn't be selfish.

"He has eating issues." I bluntly stated, but I stopped myself from saying anything else, instead watching Aizawa senseis eyebrows raise, "Multiple times during lunch I've sat with him somewhere quiet and its quite obvious to me that he doesn't want to eat the food. For the most part I don't pressure him too, but we talk and I stay with him until he's had at least some of it."

My teacher came to a sudden halt, and I stopped a few feet ahead, turning my body to face him, only to find that his eyes were serious and laced with concern. What wasn't good was the fact that he seemed to be analysing me.


That really wasn't good.

Bit late now though.

"You've dealt with this before- you just perfectly described how you would help someone with an eating disorder, and you don't gain that knowledge without having experience." his eyes softened slightly as I tensed up at his words "I should have noticed... but you could have said something Todoroki." I looked away and turned my back to him, letting my eyes fill with emotion that he could not see,

"Its not a big issue." I quickly countered, eager to get this conversation over, "its not as bad as it use to be, for the most part I can deal with it." I whispered.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and immediately tensed and jumped slightly, only to have said hand quickly retract. I turned my head only to be greeted with Aizawa senseis even more concerned eyes, 

"I don't want to keep you from your sister, but we are talking about this later." He said sternly. With that he began walking again, and after letting out a shaky breath, I followed.

The truth of it all- Denki Kaminari AngstWhere stories live. Discover now