21- Breakdown

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Hawks pov~

I had heard a couple of quiet sobs quite soon after Kaminari had shut the door, but had decided to not console my student, he probably needed the space. However, the sobs started to get louder, almost sounding like he was talking to himself, and then I heard him scream,

"They always ended up hurting me!" His voice sounded broken and full of pain. I immediately sprinted to his room, practically knocking down the door in the process. Inside Kaminari was crumpled with his back against the wall and his knees on his chest. He had his hands on his head and small golden sparks were coming off of them, meaning that I'd probably get zapped if I tried to touch him.

Think Hawks think!

What could I do to help him without electrocuting myself in the process?

Aizawa would take too long to arrive.

The other pros probably wouldn't even come.

Who else could-

Then it hit me, Dabi could help.

He was great at dealing with breakdowns, having had several himself and having to help me through some too. And he'd arrive quickly, as Kurogiri could portal him here.

I ran back out of my students room and into mine, snatching my burner phone and sending a frantic message to Dabi telling him to get his ass over here.

In the mean time, there was really nothing I could do. 

I ran back to Kaminaris room, flinging open the door once more just as a dark purpleish portal appeared down the hall way, a rather alert Dabi came running out towards me, the portal closing up behind him.

His black trademark trench coat was barley clinging on to dear life from his shoulders and once of his laces were untied, meaning ehd probably flown out of his bed and dashed to get Kurogiri. His black hair was all spiky and if I looked close enough I could just see the white growing through, his peirceing blue eyes were wide with... fear? Confusion? Worry? I couldn't tell.

I had royally fucked up thats why.

I'd messed up.

Aizawa had given me one job.

Just one.

And I'd messed it up already.

Not even half a day had passed.

I desparately wanted to help my student.

But I couldn't.

Fuck I wasn't qualified to take care of a kid! 

Let alone a traumatized teenager!

I couldn't do this.

I couldn't help him.

I was going to fail.






"HAWKS!" Dabi screamed in my ear, causing me to break out of my trance.

I jumped slightly and quickly regestured what had happened in the past hour,

"Oh shit!" I screetched, turning towards my students room before Dabi pulled me back.

"Not so fast. What on earth is happening?!" He cried, real worry evident in his gaze,

"One of my students has a really shitty past and is currently having a breakdown because he thinks that staying with me means that I'm gonna hurt him as that's all he's known." I quickly shot out, aware that most of it probably blurred into one huge mess.

Dabi paused before running towards Kaminaris room, "wait! He has an electric quirk that's out of control!" I screamed as I chased after him.

Once again Kaminaris door was flung open, Jesus that door would be pulled off its hinges at some point. Kaminari still had electricity crackling around his body, but Dabi didn't seem to care, he might have even put a small fire barrier in place that wouldn't burn either of them.

Dabi immediately flung his arms around my students shaking frame, slowly trying to peel his hands off his head so Kaminari stopped shocking himself.

All I could do was watch,

And wait,

And worry,

And panic,

And hyperventilate,

And panic,

And worry,

And wait,


I really needed to calm down.

The truth of it all- Denki Kaminari AngstWhere stories live. Discover now