23- Villain

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Kaminari pov~

When I woke up in the blue room hawks had given me, I immediately panicked. 

He had seen me having a panic attack.

I shot up into a sitting position and immediately felt my breath become ragged.

He was going to hurt me.

I knew he was.

Why was it always the nice ones?


Why just why?

Why couldn-

"Shhhhh, try to calm down for me yeah? Focus on my breathing ok?" A calming voice spoke, pulling my hand and placing it over their chest. I could feel their steady heartbeat and the way their chest rose and fell in a regular rhythm. I stared at the mattress and I followed their instruction, slowly feeling myself calm down.

I took one final breath and looked up to find two people in the room. Hawks was on the bed with me, he was the one I heard, and crouched at the foot of the bed, staring at me, was Dabi. my eyes widened and I pulled away from Hawks, shrinking closer towards the pillow and the head board.

Dabi immediately stood up and put his hands up, eyes wide with... concern? No no, why the hell would a murderous villain be concerned for me. 

Hawks stayed where he was, "ok ok ok, lets all just try and calm down, yeah? Dabi this is Kaminari, my student I was talking about, and Kaminari this is Dabi, my fiancee." I froze for a second before letting out a loud,

"WHAT?!" i immediately slapped my hand over my mouth and fearfully looked up at Hawks, whos eyes immediately crinkled in a smile and he hugged me, 

"Yeah I know its surprising, but please try to not yell to high heaven." He chuckled, and it reminded me of all the times people had tried to trick me into thinking I was safe, before hurting me.

I must have said that part aloud as hawks went rigid and pulled back, putting his hands on my shoulders and staring directly at me, "Denki you have to believe me when I say this. I will never, and i mean never, intentionally cause you harm while I know you. Ok? As long as you live in this house and I am your mentor, I will never let any harm come to you ok? I will never hurt you Denki." I almost didn't notice the use of my first name as his eyes were wide and serious, and there was something like... understanding? No no that couldn't be right. Theres no way Hawks would understand. 

I nodded and looked past to Dabi, regesturing that my hands had started to shake so I put them in my lap, "So... your Dabi. And your engaged to a pro hero." I slowly started, making Dabi huff,

"Yeah, bit of an intro I know.  Known this one for years I have." He looked fondly at Hawks for a few seconds, "but don't worry kid, Hawks hasn't betrayed and of the heroes or the government and anything hes accidentally told me has never left the room where it was spoken, I value his love over being top villain." I could have sworn I saw Hawks flinch slightly at the word "villain", but I brushed it off, 

"So Hawks called you here?" I asked, not wanting to know the answer, but already knowing. Dabi looked up at me and came closer, sitting on the foot of my bed, one hand idly rubbing Hawks palm,

"Yeah, I was the only one who could calm you down as Hawks couldn't get close to you with the electricity and all." My head snapped towards the hero.

Oh shit.

Had I zapped him?


I must have zapped him.

I hurt Hawks.


Hes gonna hate me now.

He gonna kick and punch m-

"I knew better than to touch you, so I called Dabi and he did it without getting hurt." Hawks spoke softly, carefully monitoring my face, probably well aware of the ever constant inner conflict under his vigilant eyes. 

I looked over at Dabi for an answer and he merely let a small blue flame dance between his fingers before holding his hand up still and letting the flame cover his hand, almost like a flaming blue glove,

"It creates a protective barrier, plus if I use it correctly, doesn't hurt anyone who touches me." He said, a ghost of a smile on his lips. He put his hand down as the flame dissolved into thin air and looked at the door, "now I am fucking starving, what goodies have you got in those kitchen cupboard you bloody bird?" he teased, making Hawks cackle before turning to me, 

"You weren't out for too long but its basically dinner, feel free to quickly wash up or whatever before coming through." I was just going to assume he meant go to the kitchen, this is a flat but he was probably gong to say "coming down" and changed it last second. Stupid bird man.

But for once, I felt a slight warmth in my chest. And I wasn't sure if that was because I might have finally found a family or because I was overheating in this thick jumper. It was probably the latter, but a part of me secretly hoped it was the first.

The truth of it all- Denki Kaminari AngstWhere stories live. Discover now