39- Nighttime misfortunes

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Hawks pov~

There was blood.


So much of it.

The usually grey floor looked as if it had just been given a new coat of thick scarlet paint.

By the sink, unconscious on the floor was Denki.

This was his blood.

It was pouring out of gashes all over his arms.

There were so many of them.

Dozens at least.

And they were so deep.

How had I let this happen?

How had I not noticed?

Was I really that bad of a carer?

I slapped myself in the face and let the stinging pain clear my head, taking a deep breath before rushing over to the shower and grabbed a towel. I practically skidded on the blood as I knelt down and wrapped one of my students arms, keeping a decent amount of pressure on as I yelled for my lover,

"TOUYA!!!" I screamed, "BRING AS MANY TOWELS AS YOU CAN TO DENKIS BATHROOM!" I didn't wait for a reply as I just kept the pressure on his arm, I needed to do the same to his other, but I only had one set of hands and only one towel.

I knew how to deal with this.

It would be fine.

It wouldn't be like last time.

I wouldn't let Denki become like Akita.

Shinsou pov~

I sat against the wall of my room, my head against the plaster and my knees brought up to my chest.

I sighed.

it was too late to still be up, but I couldn't sleep.

I never could to be honest.

I heard the creak of my door and tilted my head in the direction of the noise, my eyes taking a second to adjust to the small stream of light that was shining directing in my face,

"Cant sleep?" my dads voice whispered, just loud enough for me to hear. I flicked my gaze to the floor and turned my head to face forward once more.

I didn't really feel like speaking.

Next thing I knew, dad sat down next to me, our shoulders just touching. I put my head on his shoulder and he brought an arm around my back as a way of hugging me. I jumped slightly at the sudden contact, but quickly relaxed, closing my eyes as I did so.

Despite the empty mood I was in, I couldn't help but feel protected with my dads presence.

He didn't speak, and neither did I, but in many ways that made this moment so much better.

I don't know how long we stayed like that, but the next thing I knew I was waking up curled up on the floor, a blanket over myself, sunlight streaming through the cracks in my curtain.

Dabi pov~

The second Keigo dashed through the hallway door, I felt a sinking feeling in my chest, something was definetely wrong. I stayed in the kitchen, ready to grab a knife or hide in a cupboard if someone appeared, or I could just burn them I guess. It was late anyway, the moon being the only natural light filtering through the window, it was unlikely that anyone would break in, but you never know.

"TOUYA!!! BRING AS MANY TOWELS AS YOU CAN TO DENKIS BATHROOM!" Keigos shouts jolted me from my inner thoughts and I froze for a second as I registered what he had said. Then I burst into action.

I bolted towards the hallway and flung open the storage door, grabbing three large bath towels and running towards the desired location, not really processing anything, but when I reached the bathroom door the first thing I saw was blood.

Then Keigo on the ground, his wings all spiky.

Then Denki, seemingly unconscious on the floor.

Keigo turned towards me and his eyes were so wide that his pupils were almost completely yellow as his pupils had shrunk to tiny slits. He moved to the side and I rushed forward, putting two of the towels on the toilet lid to avoid them getting soaked prematurely and wrapped the third one around Denkis forearm.

He had done this too himself.

Damn it!

I was suppose to protect this kid!

I flicked my eyes over to Keigo and heard his ragged breathing and tense posture, his eyes weren't even really focusing on his student and he had a vice like grip on the towel wrapped around Denkis arm.

Thats when it clicked.

He had found Akita like this.

But she had died, so he was so doubt reliving that moment.

A few minutes passed in silence, the birds panicked breathing being the only sound I was hearing besides my own raised heartbeat.

Without warning, Keigo loosened his grip and took off the towel, observing the damage with calculating eyes. The blood flow was much slower, but it was still trickling. He released a relieved and shaky sigh before quickly turning around and grabbing a spare towel, wrapping it around his students arm once again. I followed suit, also relieved to find out that the arm I had been holding had slowed down the blood flow as well.

"What are we going to do?" Keigo whispered, "We can't tell the school or the commission- they'll just put him in a mental institute and he'll never be able to debut, but we can't not say anything- this is serious, he tried to kill himself for fucks sake!" He raised his voice at the end, tears filling his eyes,

"Get the medical stuff Touya." he sniffled, not waiting for my response as his voice broke slightly.

I reluctantly stood up and left the bathroom, covered in blood, but my heart was aching for my lover. This pained him even more than it ever could hurt me.

The truth of it all- Denki Kaminari AngstOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant