19- Adoption?

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Kaminari pov~

Somehow, I'd found the temporary will to live and walked back to the dorm, slurping on a slushie some support class kid had given me, I knew I wouldn't finish it, but at least it made it look like I had been doing something for however long I'd been away.

As I walked though the dorm to the dorms common room and kitchen, I was quite surprised to find that almost everyone was in here, I mean I knew they would have returned by now, but I kinda expected them to have been trickling back into their dorms by now,

"Kamibro! Where have you been man?" Kirishima leaped off the couch and walked over too me, spotting the slushie in my hand and pouting, "ahhh, you didn't even get one for me!" Now I just felt bad, thanks Kiri. 

I gave a smirk and cocked my head, "I went for a walk if you must know, and I didn't even think you'd want a slushie!" I huffed, batting him over the head as I held out my barely touch drink, "You can have it, I've not really touched it to be honest." Kiris eyes lit up and he swiped the drink, greedily slurping away, making Mina cackle from the sofa. 

Grinning I breezed past the both of them, walking straight to the lockers as i still had some work to do.  I quickly entered the code and flipped through my copious amount of notebooks and general books of some kind until I pulled out my English homework and closed the locker, I didn't need my text or exercise book. 

I sat down on one of the free tables and looked at the sheet. 

This is honestly childs work I thought, but oh well, that meant I could finish it quickly, so I plugged in my earphones and started working.

Aizawa pov~

I had been thinking about what Hizashi had said for quite a while now, and a part of me wanted too. I really wanted to help Kaminari, to turn him into the ball of sunshine that he acts like. I want to help him, but we cant adopt him. While yes we are open to adoption, I can't adopt another one of my students, I already stress over Hitoshi enough. Ontop of that, after reading his report, I don't even think that we can help Kaminari, neither of us are quite that experienced. 

However there is one person who I think could adopt him- Hawks. He seems to be able to tell a lot about Kaminari more than we can, and something is telling me that he will be more experienced at dealing with my students past. Plus he lives alone and can get anywhere in the blink of an eye if there's an emergency.

Whether the pro will agree to foster Kaminari, I don't know, but that's exactly why I was currently speed walking to the 1a common room. 

I slammed opened the door with a bit too much violence, causing several of the kids to look up at me. Kaminari was also here, however he seemed deep in some work and was listening to music so he only gave a quick glance in my direction before continuing- this was new, he never works in the common room, I'm also not sure how listening to music could possibly help him study but whatever works for him I guess. I'd have to ask him about that later.

Currently Hawks and Midnight were lounging on one of the two sofa get up the common room had, as at least one pro hero had to watch over the class for safety reasons, but most of the time there were two as we tended to get quite lonely and frustrated listening to screaming teenagers every minute. 

I hastily sped my way across the room to get to the pros, grabbing Hawks by the scruff of his hoodie and practically dragging him over to a quiet corner, ignoring his cries of protest. The second I let him go he straightened up and ruffed his feathers, shaking his head as he did so. The pro raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms,

"Care to explain?" I honestly didn't have the mental energy to tell him off for his irritated tone, so instead I sighed,

"I need you to do something for me." I started, "you know Kaminari."

"Yes I am very much aware of him." Hawks snorted, making me glare before continuing, 

"Have you read his file?" I asked, causing the pros eyes to soften slightly,

"Yeah I have, bad isn't it?" He chuckled lightly, turning his head to look at our student, who currently had his head buried over a text book, the original sheet he had been working on tossed to the side so presumably finished, and of cause he was still listening to music. I took in a deep breath before saying the final statement,

"I think you should foster him." Hawks whipped his head over to me, the surprise clear on his face a beat of silence washed over us,

"I'm sorry what?" He stated more than asked, and when I didn't answer straight away, he sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, bowing his head, "you would actually trust me with a kid?" hawks opened his eyes and straightened up once more, looking me dead in the eye, 

"I... yeah it might not be the smartest, but I think you can help him." I spoke quietly, almost fearing that hawks would reject my idea, then I would be back to square zero. 

The pro hero studied my face for a moment, the black outlining of his eyes almost darkening as he once again looked at the electric student before speaking again,

"I'll do it."

The truth of it all- Denki Kaminari AngstWhere stories live. Discover now