4- Think!

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Kaminari pov~

I had eventually managed to stop my panic attack, but nearly triggered another one remembering that I had no excuse for Mic sensei.

Until I came up with a plan.

I quickly cleaned myself up a bit in the bathroom, splashing cold water on my face to bring down the puffiness the crying had caused. Soon after I headed straight to the recovery unit, keen to not have anyone see me.

"Urmm... recovery girl?" I asked, popping my head around the door, quickly scanning the room to find no other pupils there. The cheerful old lady saunted over to me, taking my hand and guiding me to a chair, "Kaminari dearie! what can i do for you?" she asked with a smile,

"I'm actually not feeling very well." i started

One thing I had gained over the years was the ability to lie on the spot, and I was pretty fucking good at it. Recovery girl opened her eyes and peered at me concernedly,

"Yes you do look a little pale, and your cheeks are quite flushed dearie, what are you symptoms?" she asked, I fidgeted a little, swiftly scanning through plausible causes,

"I'm feeling a little nauseous and earlier I was quite light-headed" I replied,

"Did you actually faint?"

"No, but I could tell I was on the edge. I thought I would come here to make sure that I wouldn't randomly collapse in class!" I chuckled, bringing a small smile to the old ladies face,

"Wise choice my boy! Let me take a look..." She leaned closer and checked my temperature before returning to her seat, "Well dearie, it looks like the beginning of a fever, but as you seem so adiment to stay at school I can heal you just this once." she tittered as I spread a grin across my face,

"Thanks! I really don't want to miss any more school!" I stuck my tongue out, making her chuckle as she bent over a gave me a kiss on the cheek. Immediately I could feel an itching on my wrists as the cuts healed over, but I didn't react and hugged the retired hero once she had sat back down,

"Thank you recovery girl! See you soon!" I called as I made an effort to cheerily skip out of the room, only to wipe my fave blank and go into my usual walking rhythm as soon as I rounded the corner.

Of cause, as luck would have it, as I walked down the halls to my next class, completely zoned out, I managed to bumb into someone. They knocked me out of my daze and nearly pushed me onto the floor, but I managed to righten myself, give a quick apology and start to continue walking. Suddenly this person grabbed my wrist, making me wince, but luckily I wasn't facing them. I turned around and found myself staring into the eyes of my homeroom teacher.

Aizawa pov~

No luck in Mics class.

I had immediately gone there once midnight told me thats where class 1-a were, and sure enough they had been. Obviously confused as I burst through the door, I explained that i needed to talk to Kaminari, only for them to tell me that he hadn't shown up to class.

Now that concerned me. Kaminari wasn't the type to skip class, especially not English as I knew it was his favourite.

I was walking down the halls, thinking of where he could be until I noticed a student walking the other way. They were looking down at the floor infrount of them, casually clutching the shoulder of their backpack. They were walking quickly, but the thing that stopped me in my tracks was their face.

It was so... empty.

So void of life.

Their eyes dull and downcast and unfocused.

Thats when i noticed who this student was- it was Kaminari.

I sped up a bit to intercept him, but instead managed to nearly knock him flat of his feet. My student gave a quick apology, not even looking up, before continuing to walk. However, I grabbed his wrist and felt him tense before turning around and looking at me.

gone was his dead eyes, and instead was his trademark grin, his eyes now curious and playful,

"Kaminari! I've been looking everywhere for you! I want to talk to you in the teachers lounge." For a second after I had spoken, he froze before nodding and looking at me with confusion, but before he got chance to speek, I practically dragged him over to the lounge, only letting go once I had pushed open the door.

Inside I could see Midnight sipping yet another tea with Mirko chatting to her and Hawks sprawled across one sofa. He looked up as we entered, giving a warm smile at Kaminari before speeking, "Ah, so this is the student you went on a rampage for. I'm Hawks, nice to meet you kid." My student inclined his head and smiled, closing his eyes as he did for a second before opening them,

"I'm Denki Kaminari." Hawks nodded and gave a continue sign with his hand, making the boy cock his head before continuing,

"I'm in class 1-a so Aizawa sensei is my teacher, I'm a member of the BakuSquad and my quirk is electrification." He stated while Hawks blinked in surprise,

"Not bad kid, how-"

"I didn't bring him here for you to play with." I snapped, sitting down on the available sofa and motioning to Kaminari to do the same, "Do you want a drink? cause I'm getting a coffee." He shook his head and I decided to start right away as Midnight decided to get my coffee.

I stared straight into his eyes, and already I could feel him become uncomfortable and tense,

"Kaminari, where were you earlier?"

The truth of it all- Denki Kaminari Angstحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن